THE conservative Partido Popular party has been slammed after posting an ‘offensive’ Twitter video ‘wishing’ Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez would die.
The video was posted on the PP’s official Twitter account on the eve of Epiphany – the day when the Reyes Magos, or Three Kings, descend on Spain giving children gifts and sweets.
The Spanish government has hit back with a furious statement threatening legal action to see if ‘this tweet constitutes an offence and if it does, to move forward with criminal proceedings against the authors and those that publicly disseminated it.’
The video sees a father reading out his son’s Three Kings gift wish list, which included hoping for them to ‘take away’ Sanchez, suggesting he hopes the prime minister would die.

“My favourite singer was Amy Winehouse, and you took her away,” the dad says in the video with his arm around his son.
“My favourite actor was Robin Williams, and you took him away. My favourite comic was Chiquito de la Calzada, and you also took him away.
“I’m just writing you another letter to tell you that my favourite prime minister is Pedro Sanchez.”
The PP has since apologised and deleted the inflammatory tweet.
Borramos y pedimos disculpas por el tweet anterior. No era nuestra intención ofender ni desear mal a nadie. Ha sido un error.
Felices Reyes Magos a todos.
— Partido Popular (@ppopular) January 5, 2019
“We have deleted and apologise for our last tweet. It was not our intention to offend or cause harm to anyone. It was a mistake.
“Happy Three Kings to all,” read the tweet posted at 3.58am on Saturday.