ALARM has been raised over a popular French deodorant sold in Spain as a number of users have reported the appearance of cysts in their armpits.
The French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) has ordered the removal of Nuud deodorants from all selling points after the detection of ‘cysts in the armpits of different users of the product’.
French authorities have reported that the cysts could be the result of clogged skin pores caused by various fatty ingredients in the deodorant.
The ANSM has further revealed that a number of people have also suffered from infections that had to be treated with antibiotics.

In Spain, the now controversial hygiene product can still be purchased, yet consumers are advised not to do so.
In addition, the health institution is asking those buyers that spot a cyst after using the deodorant to ‘see a doctor immediately.’
There is also good news, as all consumers developing cysts have seen them gradually disappear after ceasing to use the product.
Meanwhile, in response to the latest health issues, Nuud has said on its website that they will be changing the formula of its deodorants.
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