Ebola virus may have made its way into Spain A man from the centre of the EVB outbreak in West Africa is now hospitalised in Valencia 27 Jun, 2014 @ 12:37 Health·National News
Beating the blood-suckers The Olive Press offers its tips to beat the mozzies 26 Jun, 2014 @ 12:30 Health
Red wine prevents tooth decay, study reveals Spanish scientists have discovered red wine is best for fighting bacteria 17 Jun, 2014 @ 10:45 Health·Other News
Spanish women live the second longest in the world Figures show the average Spanish woman lived to the ripe-old age of 85.1 years in 2012 23 May, 2014 @ 13:06 Health·Other News
Teeth are becoming smaller as we get smarter, claim scientists Logic would suggest that as brains grow we would need to eat more to sustain a higher metabolism, but this is not the case 2 May, 2014 @ 17:42 Health·Other News
Med diet boosts IVF success rate We know it reduces the risk of dementia, diabetes and heart problems but new research says the med diet can make IVF successful... and stop 27 Apr, 2014 @ 13:00 Health·Other News
‘Smart home’ to tackle dementia Network of sensors could keep elderly people in their own homes for longer, by Imogen Calderwood 21 Apr, 2014 @ 15:47 Health·Other News·Property
Mediterranean diet helps prevent diabetes It doesn't just help reduce dementia, new research suggests it's diabetes too! 6 Apr, 2014 @ 16:30 Health·Other News
Spain has Europe’s lowest breast cancer mortality rate Spanish women are the least likely to die from breast cancer in Europe 5 Apr, 2014 @ 13:00 Health·Other News
Majority of Spaniards want the drinking age raised to 21 Debate is raging over whether raising the legal drinking age would be beneficial 3 Apr, 2014 @ 12:35 Health·National News
Spanish medical chief proposes fining bad patients The head of the Spanish Medical Association wants to crack down on improper use of the country's health service 1 Apr, 2014 @ 12:30 Health
Half of Europeans boost their health knowledge with online videos Most watch videos for information not provided by their doctor, according to survey 30 Mar, 2014 @ 13:55 Health·Other News
Nearly half of Spaniards never get any exercise, according to EU-wide survey Spain has one of the worst exercise rates in Europe 25 Mar, 2014 @ 17:55 Health·Other News
Revolutionary new watches reveal future of healthcare The new watches monitor heart rate, exercise, sleep and stress levels 8 Mar, 2014 @ 12:21 Health·Other News
Expat scientist’s book says we should eat more chocolate and drink more coffee to live for longer A Dutch Doctor living in Marbella has released a book titled 'Living a Century or More' 19 Feb, 2014 @ 12:20 Health
Spain is top of transplant league Spain remains number one in the world for organ donations, latest figures show 7 Feb, 2014 @ 06:30 Health·Other News
High protein diets increase risk of kidney disease Diets like the Dukan diet, popular with celebrities, put people at a much greater risk of kidney stones according to researchers 5 Feb, 2014 @ 13:12 Granada·Health
New York Museum extends work with Autistic children to Spain The Queens Museum across the pond has set up a support network for parents of children with autism 5 Feb, 2014 @ 12:36 Health
Drinking in the sun increases risk of skin cancer Researchers have found that alcohol makes skin more sensitive to UV light and more vulnerable to skin cancer 5 Feb, 2014 @ 11:41 Health
Swine flu epidemic hits Andalucia Five have died in one week in Malaga province as Andalucia feels the effects of swine flu 29 Jan, 2014 @ 17:51 Health·Malaga
Abortion reforms dubbed ‘a step backwards’ by women’s groups 81% against reforms which will restrict abortion once again 19 Dec, 2013 @ 09:00 Health
Teens warned to exercise restraint Too much exercise can be detrimental to teen health 10 Dec, 2013 @ 14:14 Health
Mental health problems cause ‘shame’ for families Anti-stigma campaigns should include relatives, says Spanish researcher 4 Dec, 2013 @ 06:30 Health
San Pedro festival’s healthy outlook Healthy living, nutrition and spirituality all discussed at weekend event 27 Nov, 2013 @ 14:30 Entertainment·Environment·Health·La Cultura
Cancer Sucks Spain Cancer support group comes into fruition after starting on Facebook 8 Nov, 2013 @ 18:30 Health
To play or not to play? Youngsters shouldn´t be forced to play sport at a young age 8 Nov, 2013 @ 06:30 Education·Health·Other News