The Amputee – Issue 23 I drink, therefore I am I PHONED a friend after lunch he other day to thank him for the very entertaining dinner party he and 2 May, 2007 @ 08:01 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 21 Raising the steaks A FRIEND of mine was found positive for the performance-inhibiting drug butane. “A load of anabolics,” he claimed in our local bar, 9 Apr, 2007 @ 10:39 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 19 Year of the golden porker LET a hundred flowers bloom. The Chinese have said goodbye to the Year of the Dog and welcomed in the 7 Mar, 2007 @ 09:48 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 18 Profligate scandal I HAVE just read average debt levels in Britain have risen to an all-time high of nearly 140 per cent of income, twice 22 Feb, 2007 @ 04:46 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 17 Reading between the lies “I may not agree with what they did but I will defend to the death their right to deny it.” It 6 Feb, 2007 @ 08:39 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 15 HAPPY NEWS YEAR Two thousand and six has quietly slipped behind the curtain of time and we will now refer to it as Last Year. 3 Jan, 2007 @ 06:24 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 14 In true festive spirit, The Olive Press has decided to give The Amputee a week off. Here, his companion The Gobbler muses on what Christmas 20 Dec, 2006 @ 06:17 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 13 SHEP THE FISH I JUST read that by the middle of next year more British families will own a fish than will own a dog. 6 Dec, 2006 @ 07:30 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 12 BACKING GROUP ONE of the great mysteries of the Universe is why women cannot back a car into a parking spot. My mother was a 18 Nov, 2006 @ 16:33 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 10 Journeyman tailor MY grandfather, Charlie McCarthy, described himself as a “Journeyman Tailor.” I learnt this a few years ago when I applied for a copy 27 Oct, 2006 @ 07:30 The Amputee
The Amputee – Issue 9 WHEN God finally gets back to earth the first thing he is going to ask is what we have done with his dinosaurs. At least 5 Oct, 2006 @ 04:49 The Amputee