12 Dec, 2012 @ 15:00
1 min read

Malaga airport staff stage protest

Airport staff hold protest

HOLIDAYMAKERS arriving at Malaga airport this weekend were met with a barrage of horns and cries from protesters angry at continuing cuts.

Nearly two dozen employees – known as ‘chaquetas verdes’ (green jackets) – are on strike over threats to cut over 50 jobs at the airport.

Up to 80% of the customer service workforce could lose their jobs at a time when airport operator AENA has announced it is spending €4 million on developing commercial areas at the airport.

Eloise Horsfield

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  1. I always find it strange that people who argue that their jobs are vital or important then go on strike. Often the public do not even notice, which is why they have to hold placards and blow horns. Do they not realise that they are merely confirming what senior management already knows ?

  2. We were flying back to the UK and had allowed ourselves extra time to enjoy the benefits of the lounge for which we had paid €40. It was closed because the staff were parading around making a nuisance of themselves. I’m with PM on this one. Another pointless exercise as we will think twice about spending this in future and they won’t have jobs to go back to anyway

  3. I guess the Socialists proved that getting more jobs than needed and making it hard to staff down.. can get them votes.
    Until the money runs out in an economic downturn as we see.
    With protests, strikes, demonstrations in Malaga, Madrid, etc
    Spain is beginning to look like Greece. Problem times ahead!

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