A RAIL connection between the Costa de la Luz and Jerez airport has finally been given the green light.
The link should be ready to coincide with the arrival of the long-awaited high-speed AVE railway between Cádiz and Seville in 2012.
The plans, which involve a light railway linking Chiclana with Cádiz, would make it possible for people to travel by rail from Chiclana to Jerez airport.
Currently there is no railway along the whole stretch of coast south of San Fernando to Algeciras.
Massive investment is being made in the railway system in and around Cádiz, and the new bridge that is being built between Cádiz and Puerto Real will also close the gap in the existing rail loop around the Bay of Cádiz.
Passengers currently have to divert south to San Fernando in order to travel into Cádiz. A new light rail link across the bridge will speed up these travelling times considerably.
The journey time from Cádiz to Madrid will be reduced from five hours to just over three hours.
Station planned
Work has been going on for a number of years to double the stretch of railway between Cádiz and Seville; until recently trains had to stop to allow one travelling in the other direction to pass.
It is estimated that while it will take a year to build the station at the airport, it will take at least 30 months to lay the tracks that will take passengers from the airport into Jerez itself.