A Costa del Sol property developer has revealed a surge in interest from American investors for property in the region.
Bright says that up to 15% of their recent client enquiries have come from US citizens.
The health crisis and the complex political situation of recent times in the United States has accentuated the interest of the North American market in settling in Spain, attracted by the recognised quality of life offered here.

Malaga has been selected by Forbes USA magazine as one of the 20 best cities to live, invest and work in Europe.
A spokesman for Bright said: “All of them are looking for reliable investment opportunities, modern construction qualities and a sustainable lifestyle with good connections.”
Bright is now preparing to start constructing a complex of 18 luxury villas in the Real de La Quinta country club in Benahavis. The Vista Lago project will create 80 jobs and involve an investment of €60 million.