EMERGENCY services raced to tackle a forrest fire after a blaze broke out near the Malaga town of in Casabermeja yesterday (29 June).
According to Infoca, the organisation responsible for putting out wildfires in Andalucía, flames were first spotted at around 4pm in the La Zambra area.

Infoca reported that it had dispatched two helicopter, two firefighting crews and two groups of forest firefighters and technicians to the scene where a scrub fire broke out.
More than 30 forestry firefghter scrambled to tackle a blaze in Malaga province. The fire is now contained and there are no confirmed injuries.
Around 0.3 hectares have been affected. Thankfully the winds were not too strong and forestry firefighters from Infoca were able to halt the flames.
600 evacuated from series of forest fires across Spain’s Andalucia