THIS weekend will see pet blessings by priests across Spain to celebrate the feast of San Anton- the patron saint of animals.
Though the feast day falls on a Friday this year, individual churches decide whether to hold the ceremony on the day itself or on Saturday or Sunday.
Every year on January 17, a crowd gathers on a street in Madrid’s fashionable Chueca district outside the front door of the Church of San Anton.

Some dogs trot along on leads, while cats were carried in the arms of their owners.
Many animals were decked out in coats, jumpers or are wearing ribbons or neckerchiefs.
All the dogs and cats were there for a dousing of holy water from the priests.
Calle Hortaleza was closed to traffic to make way for larger four-legged animals which came, as they did for Noah’s Ark, two by two.
Canine units of the police force brought their working dogs, while ceremonial guards rode in on their horses.
A mass was then held inside the church where the pets were welcomed.

People lined up outside to buy specially baked bread rolls for San Anton in packets of three, with one traditionally kept all year alongside a coin to bring health and prosperity.
The festival dates back to the 19th century and is celebrated in different ways across Spain including with a controversial ‘purification’ ceremony that sees horses ridden through flames.