28 Jan, 2012 @ 08:51
1 min read

Javier Guerrero points the finger at his superiors in ERE scandal

EX-Employment Minister Javier Guerrero has testified before police in the ERE fraud case.

Investigations have shown him to be the man at the heart of the scandal however in his testimony, which lasted more than six hours, he pointed the finger at his superiors.

Guerrero insisted to police that all decisions regarding the subsidies went through his boss Jose Antonio Viera, and Antonio Fernandez, and that during the time he worked there, between 1999 and 2008, he never took ‘one-person decisions.’

He added that both former ministers ‘knew everything’ and all decisions were ‘shared.’

His testimony comes just weeks after his former chauffeur Juan Francisco Trujillo told the court the pair spent subsidies on ‘cocaine and partying.’

Guerrero previously testified in December 2010 admitting there was a ‘slush fund’ within the Employment Department designed for retirement pay offs and to aid companies struggling in the crisis.

But numerous people – many of whom were in fact related to PSOE – received money despite not meeting the requirements and in fact often without ever having a relationship to the companies in question.

The investigation continues.

Wendy Williams

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1 Comment

  1. Now THAT’S odd – he didn’t blame it all on Jesus Gil, or
    …. George W Bush!??
    Can’t we recall MANY events in history when “just following Orders” to cause a criminal act did NOT absolve you from guilt

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