2 Aug, 2013 @ 12:39
1 min read

Innocent man released after six months in jail

guardia civil trafico e

MALAGA courts have just released a man who had been falsely accused of drug trafficking.

The accused, identified only as J.M.H, spent six months in prison before he was able to successfully prove his innocence.

The nightmare began for J.M.H on February 13, when members of the Guardia Civil stopped his car as part of a routine vehicle check on a highway in Antequera.

In the trunk, they found four used car batteries filled with 3.655 grams of hashish. He was immediately accused and sent to jail.

But J.M.H had no idea he was carrying the drugs.

He was carrying the batteries as used goods to resell, and was just as surprised as the Guardia Civil to discover what they were hiding.


  1. The Guardia Civil are anything but civil; I don’t trust them at all.

    One time, I was pulled over for a document check near Antequera and one of the state thugs had me put my hands on the car and spread my legs while he checked my documents.

    When he asked me a question, I turned my head to speak to him – in Spanish – and he pulled his gun on me and told me not to look at him.

    Let’s not forget the Guardia Civil were enthusiastic supporters of Franco during the dictator’s reign…

  2. “Se trataba de un control rutinario de vehículos y personas. Los agentes le pidieron que abriera el capó en cuyo interior llevaba cuatro baterías usadas de coches. Un perro adiestrado en la detección de estupefacientes dio la alerta sobre uno de los aparatos. Una vez abierto se comprobó que la batería tenía su interior 349 bellotas de hachís, que arrojaron un peso de 3.655 gramos.”

    3,655 grams equals 3.655 kg. Even in Spanish.

  3. As this is an English publication, the use of a comma between thousands and hundreds would surely be more appropriate. 3.655 and 3,655 mean completely different things in UK and Spain.

  4. a . in a number in Spain, means nothing, it’s only a comma which puts the fractions, thus it was 3655 grams, which is thus almost 4 kilo’s. so this article is correct.

    who cares about the language is in English, this website is .es and about Spain. the UK might speak English, but who cares. The UK got nothing to do with this article.

  5. John,

    3655 grams certainly means almost 4 Kgs in either country.

    The article says 3.655 gms , which would mean almost 4 gms in UK, but almost 4 Kgs in Spain.

    Stefanjo was confused by the use of the Spanish system in an English-speaking paper.

    The dot is certainly used in Spain between thousands eg in bank statements etc.

    Two thousand, five hundred and one point two five is written 2.501,25 in Spain and 2,501.25 in UK. In other words the comma and period are interchanged.

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