IF you are one of the hundreds who have been left disappointed that the Caminito del Rey has already sold out until January, then fear not.
While the official website has indeed sold out is allocation for 2015, more than half of the entry tickets are managed by the municipalities of Alora and Ardales instead.
This means that local restaurants and hotels can provide entry tickets as part of a package, with the common meal deal costing between €16 and €25.
Since October began, each of the municipalities has 250 daily entries, reducing the share of the official Caminito website to 400 daily, as there is a daily limit of 900.
They previously had just 100 each, with 700 per day allocated through the website.
Jose Sanchez, mayor of Alora, said that making tickets available to hotels and restaurants is a way to ‘empower local businesses’.
Tickets can also be booked directly through the two towns’ tourist offices, via email or phone.
This means that local restaurants and hotels can provide entry tickets as part of a package, with the common meal deal costing between €16 and €25.,,,,,,, What!!!!, why should I have to give a private business money just to get to use the walkway in a reasonable time, ALL the tickets should be made available for the public on a first come first served arrangement. I believe there is also a bit of trouble obtaining pre booked tickets to visit Alahambra Palace due to them being handed out en-mass to ‘day trip’ companies, it all seems a bit underhand to be honest.
I agree with Martin. Typically Spanish to set up a cartel, limit supply and add to the cost by reselling. Why not have all the tickets available from the same source and transparent pricing? If they want to sell the tickets as part of a meal package then how about you present your ticket yourself when buying the other elements of the “package” or would that be too straightforward?
great – wound up here after finding no tickets available on the plush new website and can see from the above article that the booking section is entirely obsolete already. i.e. if you can only get tickets from Pablo or Pedra at one of the council offices or even more worrying as part of a ‘ meal deal’ for just 16-25 euros.! I have never spent more than 15 euros on a weekday menu del dia and that was top end 4 course (tres culturas in Lucena by the way), let alone to obtain a free ticket!! Oh hang on – as the walkway is open only 10-14:00 after 25th October do I visit the restaurant before the walkway, if it is open before 10, and obtain a ticket on trust that I will return and buy a bargain meal?
Mi Dios
Ok off to try and get tickets from a council office which I’m sure will be really easy and no doubt will surpass the new website non-booking facility in simple efficiency!!