9 Dec, 2016 @ 11:24
1 min read

British expat launches appeal to unplug WiFi in her town

Wifi e

wifiA BRITISH woman is campaigning to have WiFi removed from her town as exposure to mobile phone and computer signals threaten to ruin her life.

Expat Rosi Gladwell has launched her campaign in Polopus, in Granada, to minimise the risks of electromagnetic radiation exposure.  

Suffering from extreme migraines and breathing problems, Gladwell was diagnosed with electromagnetic sensitivity four years ago.

Forced to rid her property of mobile phones and computers, Gladwell is now launching a campaign to educate others about the condition.

Following a meeting with mayor Matias Gonzalez Braos, the 67-year-old from Devon is confident that measures will be put in place.

“I am immensely impressed with our local mayor and how seriously he is taking this,” Gladwell told the Olive Press. “When talking about the dangers of WiFi technology, he came up with the idea of limiting the hours of access in the village by putting timer switches on the routers in the school, Town Hall and doctor’s surgery.  

“This means that we are afforded protection from the emissions but are not cut off from communication.”

Gladwell has had to alter her entire life to avoid electromagnetic signals after being diagnosed with the condition.

In fact, she cannot stay in many hotels or eat in busy restaurants as the exposure to WiFi leaves her so ill.

“It is amazing how badly informed people are,” she added. “I truly feel that the public at large will also eventually be subject to the detrimental side effects.”

When contacted by the Olive Press, a spokesman for Polopos and La Mamola town hall confirmed that the mayor was looking at ways to reduce radiation.

Rob Horgan

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  1. “Diagnosed” by whom?

    EHS has no scientific basis and is not a recognised medical diagnosis. There are zero peer reviewed scientific papers submitted to reputable scientific journals supporting the existence of this condition and in blind trials sufferers were unable to accurately detect whether they were being exposed to abnormaly high levels or not, let alone detect normal background amounts.

    She’s welcome to suffer in the privacy of her own home but I don’t want protection from something that only exists in this “sufferers” head.

    Incidentally without internet access please tell her that chemtrials are most likely high concentrations of dihydrogen monoxide in case she thinks the two are connected.

    • Actually many thousands of scientific papers show extreme harm from these levels of artificial microwaves going back to the 70,s and earlier when the US navy recorded similar symptoms to those experienced by the many thousands of us with EHS, from radar equipment.
      The lie that this radiation is harmless is fostered by the industry – biggest industry the world has ever seen almost-, with its links to government, medical authorities and all the (corrupted) regulatory authorities.
      Enjoy your fools’ paradise while it lasts. You will get cancer or some other horrible ailment, and if you don’t your children and most certainly your childrens’ children will. I note that now brain tumours are the leading non-accidental cause of death among children in the uk for the first time in history and co-incident with heavy microwave exposure via mobile ‘phones .
      It is a very nasty road for all of us: personally I am glad I avoid microwaves as much as possible because it will be slightly better for me that way. The ones who will really get the cancer epidemic will tend to be the intensive long-term users, exposing themselves to many billions of times the levels of background natural microwave radiation. .

      • I’m afraid you’re conflating a number of issues and sadly don’t reference any of the “scientific” papers you mention. I’m genuinely sorry for how full of needless fear and misery you appear to be, but you’ve only yourself to blame.
        Everyone would get cancer if they lived long enough, I suggest you have a look at some basic gerontology for a start.
        People have never lived longer healthier safer lives than they do now than in all of human history. Cheer up, life is better than you appreciate and the future is brighter than you think.

        • Actually the number of deaths in the uk is now rising sharply. It will take a little time for the fact that hose born now in the insane microwave fields blanketting everywhere are destined to live less than about 50 years – being severely weakened, but my guess is it will begin to become clear that we are already in a massive “die-off” period within the next 10 or 15 years.

    • These people are suffering and all you can do is heap scorn on them? Crawl back to whatever corporate den of thieves you arose from! Scientific evidence of harm from wi-fi and other similar radiation sources abounds, but you don’t want to know about it, do you. Pig-ignorance may be bliss, until you deal with cancer. In too many cases, that’s what it takes before people will open their eyes.

    • EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses : “https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-3/reveh-2016-0011/reveh-2016-0011.xml”

    • That’s simply not true. there are over 6000 independent peer reviewed studies on the affects of pulsed microwave radiation on living cells. The WHO declared this type of EMF as a class 2b carcinogen in 2011 alongside DDT and lead in petrol but it’s far more serious than that which is why soceity is becoming sicker at an alrming pace with misdiagnosis for symptoms of exhaustion, stress, heart disorders, poor sleep patterns, tumours, dementia.

  2. In years to come we will find out that all of these signals and transmissions are actually harming us, but it will be too late by then of course. Ideally, Ms Gladwell needs a rural home in a mobile phone black-spot. In a town she will be exposed to 3G and 4G signals all day etc, and screening will help a bit inside, but not outside. There are also scanning devices that can also help identify the levels of exposure.

  3. I would suggest she braves Wi-Fi, logs on the Internet and starts to read the multitude of scientific studies showing Electro Magnetic sensitivity not to be an actual thing! This is a psychological condition.

    This has been really well researched in very well constructed and controlled studies! The people who want to sell you Earthing blankets and Foil coats will tell you otherwise!

  4. @Boulder: the real specialists say that non-ionising radiation from WIFI, mobile phones are class 2b possibly carcinogen. “https://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol102/mono102.pdf”
    And no – coffee isn’t there anymore. But welding fumes and diesel. You certainly would not want to sit in these fumes for the whole day.
    “Different groups in a population may have differ- ences in their ability to tolerate a particular NIR expo- sure. For example, children, the elderly, and some chronically ill people might have a lower tolerance for one or more forms of NIR exposure than the rest of the population. Under such circumstances, it may be useful or necessary to develop separate guideline levels for different groups within the general population, but it may be more effective to adjust the guidelines for the general population to include such groups.”
    So please respect that people are different and that some people in the world do not want to be radiated with NIRs constantly.

    And btw the EU has recommended the precautionary principle.

    If only 3% of the world population suffers from higher sensibility to EMFs and low frequency radiation as in non-ionising radiation then about 250 000 000 people suffer – the size of the population of Brasil.
    We need to give them space to live and work and to take part in social live.

  5. I suffer with electro magnetic sensitivity and do not like the lack of people’s understanding of the condition. It can be very debilitating and have had to change my lifestyle completely. And it is real, I do suffer with it and it certainly is not made up in my head. I’m a normal mum and wife, who loves going out, eating in restaurants, staying at hotels and I have had to give that all up thanks to wireless radiation. A basic experiment with the watercress seeds grown, one by a Wi-Fi router, the others were not. The ones by the router died, the others did not.

    • After the watercress experiment (carried out by Danish school children) no government anywhere banned the sale of mobile phones to anyone including that most vunerable of groups young defenceless watercress seedlings.
      Everyone wants to feel special and if this is your special thing that’s awesome. I’m touched by the sacrifice you’ve made for us by using your EM field generating device to post your comment but you do realise that Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is a form of energy that is all around us and takes many forms, such as radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays? Sunlight is also a form of EM energy, but visible light is only a small portion of the EM spectrum, which contains a broad range of electromagnetic wavelengths. And you live on a planet sized EM field generator. So you can rid yourself of all modern devices and live in a deep dark cave but there is no escaping the planets EM field. So unless you tell yourself you’re all better you won’t be.

      • Boulder. In your own attempt to dismiss the potential harm of EMF’s, you are mentioning ranges of EMF that are known to be harmful and yet you seem to not even realize it. Microwaves? X-rays? Why do doctors make attempts to shield from x-rays? No – we cannot escape EMF’s but we can limit the harmful ones that we ourselves are creating via mobile phones and wifi and such things. Please learn about these things before spouting off ignorant nonsense.

  6. ” It’s possible the radiation was causing the damage or somehow inhibiting the repair process for routine damage…” “http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/05/questions-abound-after-study-links-tumors-cellphone-radiation”

  7. “…the hippocampus which is important in regulating emotions, behavior, motivation, and memory functions, may be impaired by the negative impacts of EMFs.” National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine “https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4946261/”

  8. I get stabbing pains in my spine from other people’s mobiles. People who expose their family members and other people to this stuff are just irresponsible. The most rigorous study so far, the US National Toxicology Program Study, found that more than 8% of the rats exposed to mobile phone radiation got cancer or pre-cancerous cells within only 2 years. Previous studies have not been very reliable because they have not been set up properly and they did not measure exposure properly.Mobile phones emit microwaves. I find that the new phones are much worse than the old ones in terms of causing symptoms. Western safety standards are a joke and need to be reformed.

  9. This thing is not going away (Wi-Fi) So, learn to live with it. Actually, these ideas fall into the same category as fears of ‘planes spraying toxic substances on us. When people are unwell with undiagnosable symptoms, they tend to look for answers beyond those doctors can supply. That’s why nonsense like belief in Homeopathy, crystal-healing and all these “New-Age” remedies are able to thrive among desperately unwell people.
    Just as the placebo effect can heal, the reverse is also true, mental attitudes and mistaken beliefs can also make us ill.

    • Then we and more specifically YOU ARE going away. There is no reason, especially with severe DNA damage associated with this radiation, to assume the human race can survive these elevated levels of microwaves (thousands of billions of times the background level all life on the planet evolved in).
      The great “die off” has already begun in my opinion – see my earlier comment.
      All you have on your side are the confimed liars of the multi-billion dollar telecom. industry (smoking went well didn’t it – only took them 70 years to stop lying about the horrific effects of smoking ). – Good luck with that – you are going top need it.

    • Stefanjo, mind you. There is plenty of research that shows that this is not a placebo effect.
      You can start with the literature of the ICNRP I cited above or with this paper


      The nocebo effect that everybody is citing was shown with a few, one paper as low as 20, individuals only.
      And there are studies proving against it.

      In my opinion such an assessment is the wrong way to work on evidence. The experimental design itself has a lot of empirical parameters. There are better assessments to get physical or statistical evidence for whether radiation causes harm. And because the evidence is not clear yet the European union recommends precautionary limits for the use of WIFI, mobile phones, etc. And this also why IRAC classified NIR as possibly carcinogen.

      For example analysing the blood of 10000 individual before and after the exposure would make a much better statistical and physical evidence than asking them if they can immediately feel a WIFI. Some of the effects of the radiation can only be felt days after the exposure. If you are exposed to nuclear radiation you won’t have health problems until years after.
      And if millions of people in the world say WIFI is harming them, then the rest of the people should at least respect them and give them some place to live and work without radiation.

      Locusts react to low frequency radiation.
      Other animals as well. Why should humans be an exception?

  10. @Boulder appears to be a serious wireless industry troll, trotting out the usual lies. However, I am writing specifically to challenge @stefanjo, because I have had a look at the so-called “chemtrail” story. After much searching, I was unable to find *one single scientific paper* documenting any aspect of “chemtrails” — apart from one that happened to pass through Retraction Watch, if that means anything

    With regard to electromagnetic radiation: as a former physics lecturer and licensed radio amateur operator (callsign 3DA0KM here in Swaziland) I have a collection of more than 10,000 references of either direct health damage, biological damage, or biological effects specifically of “non-ionising” *low-level* (i.e. non-thermal) radiation. This is a small fraction of what is actually out there. To compare this situation with chemtrails is absolutely specious nonsense of the worst kind.

    I have made a particular collection of every single study conducted anywhere in the world on mobile phone masts and health: there are at least 25 papers, of which 24 (over 95%) report a very consistent pattern of ill health, including headaches, skin rashes, dizziness and nausea, chronic fatigue, lowered immunity (lingering flus and infections), tinnitus, blood pressure fluctuations, hormonal fluctuations, mood swings, depression, memory loss, attention disorders, and increased cancer rates in several studies. These studies come from Germany, Austria, Poland, France, Spain, Israel, Egypt, Iran, Cyprus, Brazil and other countries. There is no possibility of coordination of the results. The graphs of illness incidences even show a peak at a distance of about 100m from masts, which is where the main beam usually falls. There is no way that residents could have coordinated their responses to match the radiation footprints of masts.

    The only study that claimed *not* to find issues (Elliot in the UK) actually showed a clear 24% increase in childhood leukaemias near masts, dropping further away; childhood leukaemia has been associated with EMR for decades. I have reverse-engineered Elliot’s study to show how he rigged it to hide deeper patterns, and he refuses even to acknowledge receipt of my queries pointing out the flaws in his work. He is sponsored by the UK government to deal with “public fears”.

    If you want a small selection of studies looking very specifically at WiFi and its associated frequencies, look here: “http://wifiinschools.org.uk/30.html” — these are all peer-reviewed studies. I now work as a professional scientific editor working with manuscripts for publication in top statistical journals, so I know what “peer-review” means.

    Check out especially the paper of Friedman et al. (2007), which presented a complete mechanism showing how just two minutes — 120 seconds — of low-level mobile phone radiation precipitates a biochemical chain reaction in living human cells that floods them with free radicals and interferes with genetic processes like transcription. Here is a clear mechanism that can explain metabolic, genetic, and neurological damage reported by EMR. This paper has been cited over 200 times, and I have personally confirmed with Dr Friedman that all these papers confirm his team’s mechanism in every detail. This is now a completely established effect in biochem labs all over the world. It is the game-changing paper that forever destroys the notion that the only mechanism whereby EMR can affect biological organisms is through heating.

    Governments and radiation authorities routinely ignore ALL of this scientific evidence, because it contradicts their mantra that EMR can only have heating effects. They say because there is no mechanism to explain it, these effects can be ignored. This is very convenient for the industry players who fund the WHO’s EMF Project.

    Ms Gladwell, you have all my sympathy, please be assured that there is a genuine problem and that a trillion-dollar industry will do everything it can to suppress the truth, without the slightest regard to the suffering and death they are causing. However, as an EHS sufferer, you are at least aware of the issues. You are the canary in the coal mine, and thank you for trying to help others. Please do not be upset by these vicious attacks from industry stooges hiding in the shadows.

    Wireless industry trolls: please be aware that you are being tracked and may be called upon to explain your activities in court one day, when the true nature of the psychological war being waged by the wireless industry on the human race is fully exposed. Anyone seeing wireless industry trolls in action, please use the hashtag #wirelessindustrytroll to identify them.

    @Boulder in particular: please state your name, location, and background so that we can verify your standing to speak on these issues. If you are not prepared to stand up and tell us who you are, then you are very definitely a troll.

  11. I also want to add to the excellent comment of Karl Mullers’ above to say I agree that Ms Gladwell definately deserves sympathy and support, as do all who cannot tolerate the microwave bombardment it is now almost impossible to avoid.
    In fact several of her , and our, highly significant human rights are presently being violated – such as the right to home and work and health safeguarded by the Rio Convention, the right not to be guinea pigs in a mass experiment without consent – coming from the Nuremberg Convention, among others.
    I went to an area fairly near to where she is to see if I could escape microwave bombardment, from towers . Here was the result:

    I went to Andalucia recently, or Granada, in Spain,-looking for an emf-free place to live (failed).
    I wrote a short travel-sketch I would like to post here, and elsewhere maybe….hoping it might have a good effect:
    Encircled by the broad sloping arms and shoulders of the mountains of the Alpujarras, the inhabitants of Ugijar, Granada, nevertheless have to undergo a searing mutilation.
    A spindly hunching tower, like an evil insect, hangs over that town and environs, blasting out its maledictory vomit of microwaves to blight, poison, and disassemble all life it touches.
    So as my spirit soars within the embrace of these ancient, humped, bushy piles of ochre earth and dust ascending in the distance of the Sierra Nevada to their peerless snow-spiked and streaked heights of fourteen thousand feet, at the same time my mind is thrown into the familiar blank haze, the fugue state, brain-fogged indescribable pain of microwave exposure – somewhat like being eaten alive by red-hot soldier ants, only these ants are working on the subtler bodies of mind and feeling before getting stuck into the physical body.
    They disassemble you, as they do all life, and if you have the misfortune to feel the disassembling process in detail and not just through later effects – like cancer, low energy, joint pains, sleeplesness, damaged immune system, or, from parents dna-scramble through exposure- ADHD, autism, anti-social personality disorder – a shredded aura – this is balanced by the good fortune of being in doubt as to their essential nature.
    Most of the world is in such doubt it seems, or rather doesn’t perceive that there is anything to be in doubt about.
    I suppose it might help to remember that in the first flush of the introduction of x-rays to the general public, people were happily using them to fit shoes in shoe-shops! Powerful financial interests always seem able to skew the judgement of societys’ gate-keepers, the scientists, in their favour.
    The mountains rise in their immemorial indolent worship of the sun.The air here is charged with their presence and, in May, with the insistent vibrant energy of the sun, making the trees into a super-vital frieze, each leaf fetched out with dazzling particularity.
    What do the mountains want, I wonder, with the swarming of this new army of insect towers, blanketting their domain in microwaves?Are they more shocked at our stupidity, or saddened at our obliviousness to the beauty and life they radiate – which is the very source of our bodies?

  12. (Corrected)-
    I also want to add to the excellent comment of Karl Mullers’ above to say I agree that Ms Gladwell definitely deserves sympathy and support, as do all who cannot tolerate the microwave bombardment it is now almost impossible to avoid.
    In fact several of her , and our, highly significant human rights are presently being violated – such as the right to home and work and health safeguarded by the Rio Convention, the right not to be guinea pigs in a mass experiment without consent – coming from the Nuremberg Convention, among others.
    I went to an area fairly near to where she is to see if I could escape microwave bombardment, from towers . Here was the result:
    I went to Andalucia recently, or Granada, in Spain,-looking for an emf-free place to live (failed).
    I wrote a short travel-sketch I would like to post here, and elsewhere maybe….hoping it might have a good effect:
    Encircled by the broad sloping arms and shoulders of the mountains of the Alpujarras, the inhabitants of Ugijar, Granada, nevertheless have to undergo a searing mutilation.
    A spindly hunching tower, like an evil insect, hangs over that town and environs, blasting out its maledictory vomit of microwaves to blight, poison, and disassemble all life it touches.
    So as my spirit soars within the embrace of these ancient, humped, bushy piles of ochre earth and dust ascending in the distance of the Sierra Nevada to their peerless snow-spiked and streaked heights of fourteen thousand feet, at the same time my mind is thrown into the familiar blank haze, the fugue state, brain-fogged indescribable pain of microwave exposure – somewhat like being eaten alive by red-hot soldier ants, only these ants are working on the subtler bodies of mind and feeling before getting stuck into the physical body.
    They disassemble you, as they do all life, and if you have the misfortune to feel the disassembling process in detail and not just through later effects – like cancer, low energy, joint pains, sleeplesness, damaged immune system, or, from parents dna-scrambled through exposure- ADHD, autism, anti-social personality disorder – a shredded aura – this is balanced by the good fortune of being in no doubt as to their essential nature.
    Most of the world is in such doubt it seems, or rather doesn’t perceive that there is anything to be in doubt about.
    I suppose it might help to remember that in the first flush of the introduction of x-rays to the general public, people were happily using them to fit shoes in shoe-shops! Powerful financial interests always seem able to skew the judgement of societys’ gate-keepers, the scientists, in their favour.
    The mountains rise in their immemorial indolent worship of the sun.The air here is charged with their presence and, in May, with the insistent vibrant energy of the sun, making the trees into a super-vital frieze, each leaf fetched out with dazzling particularity.
    What do the mountains want, I wonder, with the swarming of this new army of insect towers, blanketting their domain in microwaves?Are they more shocked at our stupidity, or saddened at our obliviousness to the beauty and life they radiate – which is the very source of our bodies?

  13. there’s a whole lotta crazy on this thread.
    the mountains wont “say” anything, they’re innert rocks, and they’ve been bombarded by radiowaves, radiation and EMF energy since they formed anyway, so they’d not notice the low power wifi emmisions, I can only assume this woman insists on her village building a faraday cage, no radio, no mobile phones, no electrical devices.

    “diagnosed” by someone who no doubt sold her some magic beans and a special bracelet.

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