AT long last, abortion is now legal in Gibraltar, and as of July 15 women can officially request the new service, carried out by the GHA.
The day of the abortion referendum will go down in history.
It was a draconian law but finally, on the June 25, 62% of residents on the Rock voted for the long-awaited change.
The law now states that pregnant women can have an abortion within 12 weeks of pregnancy, if going ahead would put the woman’s mental or physical health at risk.
Those beyond 12 weeks will only have approval if the foetus has fatal physical defects, or the woman’s health is put at risk.
The full abortion service will be given by the GHA’s department of obstetrics and gynaecology at St. Bernard’s Hospital.

The service includes full support throughout the pregnancy termination, both mentally and physically, of which staff have all already begun training for.
Minister of health, care, justice and equity, Samantha Sacramento, said women can be assured this is a ‘non-judgemental, confidential and holistic service’.
“There is a strong emphasis on the pathways on therapeutic support being made available by the GHA mental health services upon referral at any stage for those who may wish to avail themselves from this,” Sacramento added.

“I hope that the sensitivity of the non-judgmental and non-directional service to be provided will give women who come into contact with it with all relevant information and options available to them allowing them to make the right choice for themselves as to whether or not to request a termination and the support they need regardless of what decision they make.”
For more information or to arrange an abortion call 020076333, or speak to a GP, who can refer you to St Bernard’s Hospital.
A full guide on the new legislation is available here.
- Gibraltar votes YES to relax abortion laws in referendum on the Rock
- Training underway for health professionals in Gibraltar ahead of new abortion legislation
- Gibraltar Chief Minister calls for ‘unity’ on the Rock after divisive vote on abortion