27 May, 2024 @ 12:24
1 min read

‘Historic’ anti-tourism march in Mallorca: 10,000 locals take to the streets demanding change to ‘destructive’ industry

MALLORCA has seen a historic anti-tourism march with 10,000 locals taking to the streets to demand change to the ‘destructive’ effects of tourism. 

ON Saturday, May 25, thousands of locals gathered in Palma de Mallorca under the slogan ‘Mallorca isn’t for sale’. 

It started at 07:00pm at Parc de Ses Estacions and finished at the Passeig des Born. 

This was the first time a protest was organised by the Sencelles Banc del Temps (Time Bank) collective, a community organisation designed to allow locals to exchange time and labour. 

READ MORE: Spain’s ‘anti-tourism’ protests move to Mallorca: Activists plan a huge demonstration on the Balearic island 

Young and old took to the streets to protest the affects of mass tourism.
Photo: Facebook

It follows action in the Canary Islands last month, where some 57,000 residents gathered to protest against mass tourism. 

The principal complaint amongst locals is the lack of affordable housing caused by a surplus of Airbnbs, hotels and tourist lets. 

Posters read: ‘Our ancestors land is for sale’ and ‘It’s not tourismphobia, it’s Mallorcacide’, while protestors shouted: “No, no, they will not force us out of Mallorca.” 

One local told Ultima Hora: “I’m sick of it. Politicians don’t want to get involved so the general public has had to take a stand. They are taking away our homes.” 

READ MORE: ‘We’re not coming back’: British tourists blast drink prices in Mallorca for being ‘much more expensive’ following the Covid pandemic

For young people, the situation is particularly dire.

Locals relate how they are ‘stuck’ living with their parents due to high rent prices. 

According to the Banc del Temps spokespeople, Javier Barbero and Carme Reynes: “Foreign investors are honing in on the interior area of the Island because it’s the only charming bit left to buy.”

They demand ‘necessary emergency measures to be put in place immediately’ to solve the issue. 

These include: declaring Mallorca a ‘stressed’ real estate area, the approval of a moratorium on tourist lets and standard of living guarantees. 

“People are really suffering and we don’t trust this government to change the tourism model.” 

READ MORE: ‘Anti-tourism’ movement in Spain spreads to Granada: Locals blast ‘invasion’ of visitors making the city ‘unliveable’ – while more graffiti emerges

Yzabelle Bostyn

After spending much of her childhood in Andalucia and adulthood between Barcelona and Latin America, Yzabelle has settled in the Costa del Sol to put her NCTJ & Journalism Masters to good use. She is particularly interested in travel, vegan food and has been leading the Olive Press Nolotil campaign. Have a story? email [email protected]

1 Comment

  1. Brits stay away and let them get their stuff in order, ill not go where i am not welcome. they think they have a problem at least we spend money there unlike the ones that come to our country.

    Location : Manchester

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