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Andalucia - Page 459


Hotel saga takes another twist

Directors from Azata del Sol claim to have accepted 100 million euros from central government for the Algarrobico hotel, built upon virgin sands inside the
18 Aug, 2008 @ 13:28

Red card for celeb homes?

The Valle Romano development - where leading Premiership football stars Paul Robinson, Michael Brown and David Bentley have homes - is being investigated as part
3 Jul, 2008 @ 14:28


Ryanair demands bigger kickbacks to prevent cancellation of Granada-London route
18 Jun, 2008 @ 15:41

The Developer Vanishes

Developers disappear after court rules that they unlawfully pocketed 50,000 euro deposit from English man, whose home will never be built
18 Jun, 2008 @ 15:17

Beach bar ban for El Palmar

Long evenings spent lounging on the beach, mojito in hand, while watching the sun go down could be a thing of the past after one
24 Apr, 2008 @ 10:43

Jaen boy does good

Ayub Khan Din has just won the most prestigious British theatre award for his comedy Rafta Rafta
28 Mar, 2008 @ 14:46

Rabbits leap to lynx rescue

Five thousand rabbits per year are to be released in one of the few remaining habitats of the endangered Iberian lynx.
7 Feb, 2008 @ 13:00
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