17 Oct, 2008 @ 17:17
1 min read

Feline frenzy comes to an end


Satanic Siamese – called Tyson – seized after attacking a tourist

A CAT who frequently attacked local dogs has met his match with a fierce French pensioner.

Tyson – who for years has been terrorising pooches in the old town of Ronda – was rounded up for attacking the Gallic tourist.

According to an eyewitness, the Siamese tomcat launched himself four times at the tourist to get to her pet Yorkshire Terrier.

“She eventually had to pick it up to save it, but ended up having to run away herself,” local computer technician Gunter Spear told the Olive Press.

But even then, Tyson was not giving up. “He gave chase and climbed up her back, holding on for 15 seconds. He really dug his claws in and she was badly scratched. There was a lot of blood. She had to go to hospital for a tetanus jab.”

It is not the first time that Spear, who lives nearby, has seen Tyson on the attack. “I have seen him attack several other dogs. He once took on three separate dogs and even attacked an Alsation.”

But Tyson though was always apparently a pussycat when it came to people. “He used to rub himself against tourists’ legs,” said Spear, a German, who has lived in Ronda for five years.

Now Tyson is facing being put down. “He is history. The police enticed him into a net.”

His owner, a Spanish pensioner, is facing a 600 euro fine for not having the cat micro chipped or properly vaccinated.

“But the poor guy hasn’t even got 600 euros to rub together,” said Spear. “He is a retired pensioner living in a run down home. And he is really broken up about losing his only pet.”

medina azahara
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