DO you want tickets for London 2012?
From today, thousands of unsold tickets to top events for the Olympic Games will be flogged in Spain after the initial outlets failed to sell them.
Tickets are available for all EU citizens on Spanish site for many of the top events such as swimming, gymnastics and athletics.
While the Spanish Olympic Committee had originally put the tickets on the market at 20 Fnac stores across a recession-hit country, thousands stayed unpurchased – with some stores not selling a single ticket.
The move will anger many Britons who were unable to buy tickets, some of whom feel the unwanted places should be returned to the UK for resale.
I tried to get tickets through the Spanish website. Although I clicked on “buy tickets” it wouldn’t take me any further, so STILL unable to get olympic tickets!
try the german or french authorised sellers – seem to be offering tickets to most events still