26 Apr, 2012 @ 18:08
1 min read

Eagle attacks expat on Costa del Sol

A BRITISH expat has spoken of her terror after an eagle tried to fly off with one of her dogs as she walked them on the Costa del Sol.

Suzanne Dodd, 43, was walking her two Jack Russells when the Golden Eagle swooped down and grabbed one of the dogs by the head, near Benalmadena.

“Suddenly this enormous bird swooped across the path. With one talon it grabbed her nose and the other her collar and I thought that was it for the dog but it struggled for a moment and I moved in,” said Dodd.

The actress – who once had a part in EastEnders – grabbed the bird’s wing and prised its claws from the dog’s head as it dragged it towards a cliff.

But despite releasing the dog from its grasp, the eagle continued to swoop down on Dodd as she ran for cover with her pets.

“It was a surreal and terrifying experience,” added Dodd, who reported the incident to police. “It seemed to have no fear of humans.

“It was a beautiful and impressive bird but it has to be stopped before it takes off with someone’s pet.”

James Bryce

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  1. I feel real sad for the eagle.
    Why should someone not personally affected step in when u just want to have your well-earned lunch break?
    Moreover, I do not know if this doesn’t have another entirely different legal aspect: ‘grabbed the bird’s wing and prised its claws’!
    These birds are, I think, environmentally protected.
    I’d guess, that lady is facing a heavy law suit for aggressively attacking a nearly extinct species…
    Good luck to all species involved :)

  2. George,
    I am the person this happened to. The eagle was NOT a wild one but a TRAINED one with leather straps and bells on. Trained and owned by a human. I love & respect nature – But in the wrong hands an eagle, a lion or a dangerous dog can be fatal……. If indeed these beautiful creatures are nearly extinct WHY are there videos all over you tube of the hundreds of privately owned ones being used by Spanish hunters?!?!?! When one of these HUGE birds attacks you when you are minding your own business having a quiet walk maybe then you can judge me – I love wildlife & birds of prey & had this been a wild bird it would have not come anywhere near me or my dogs………. I am angry with the careless person that owns this eagle – A bit like a dangerous dog off its leash………

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