IT is all too easy to be cynical about the efforts being made by some to combat climate change, especially when it comes to politicians and corporations.
But while questioning the effectiveness of certain schemes is an important part of the process, the crucial thing is to be supportive of the genuine efforts being made to make a difference.
Whether it be through transition towns, funding for renewable energy, or simply cycling to work instead of driving, every small step is contributing to a more sustainable way of living.
While a carbon neutral Olive Press is perhaps not a realistic short term goal – given the amount of driving required by our journalists and sales staff – we’re already heading in the right direction.
The newspaper is printed on 100% recycled paper, print numbers are monitored to ensure minimal wastage and all waste paper in the office is duly recycled.
We promote sustainable living through our annual green guide and are currently working on ways to reduce our electricity consumption.
Perhaps you can help us reduce our carbon footprint further? Contact if you think you can offer assistance.
See our feature: On the frontline in climate change battle