MALAGA endured the coolest summer of the century this year as the average temperature failed to exceed 24.7C.
Daytime temperatures in July were around 30.6C, and didn’t exceed 35ºC, according to the State Meteorology Agency.
This rose to an average 31.1C in August, a month which ended with Andalucia on yellow alert for rain and storms.
The mercury rose to 38.4C in Coin on the hottest day of the year, due in large part to the hot terral wind.
Cooler evenings brought down the average temperatures over the two month period.
Oh dear! What are the Global Warming advocates going to talk about now? What “scientific” reason are they going to use to prove this is all part and proof of their G W thinking?
Personally, I have no problem with accepting that some G W will occur at some time in the future just as will another Ice Age, but it is not influenced by man but is because of periodic actions by the Sun.
But that would mean there is no reason for all the extra emission taxes that governments are charging. Why do we put up with these charlatans?
I spent the last two weeks of July in Olvera, Cádiz and for the first time ever I had to siesta in the afternoons due to the high temperatures. ‘Fraid this does not add up. Returning on 9th October to, hopefully, some beautiful weather.
Autumn is already well and truly here north of Glasgow and I am looking forward to my October escape.
Brian, you are making the common error of confusing weather and climate…
So what were the temps. behind the Snowy mountains, no mention of that at all – not everyone lives/lived on the coast.
Most Brits have no idea that there are two weather systems operating in Andalucia – a Med climate and a Continental climate – so what were the temps. way inland?
The last 6 weeks we lived in Guadix (2009) the daytime temp. was never under 45C and 40C was the norm.
In around Loja during August it was high thirties during the day and often still high twenties about midnight.
There does seem to be a distinct bias towards thinking that Spain is just Malaga and the costal strip.
Agreed Stuart. At 10.30 am on the roof terrace in Olvera it was 38º and well over 40º by 2.00 pm. Never before have I felt the need to stay indoors. Even if I am not going anywhere in particular I enjoy sitting on my kitchen step reading and chatting to anyone who walks past, it was too hot for this. My feet were quite literally burning through my leather sandals where they touched the cobbles.
I agree with Lindsay, a friend of ours who lives in Benalmadena told me that they had temps of 40°. I know these figures are “averages” but an average of only 24.7°sounds very low to me! When we were there the 1st 2 weeks of this month the temp was up in the 30°s on all but 2 of the days we were away! We definitely felt the need for a siesta in the afternoon to escape the heat.