24 Sep, 2014 @ 15:44
1 min read

Spain welcomes highest ever number of foreign tourists in August

MORE than nine million foreign tourists flocked to Spain in August, the highest ever figure for a single month.

Brits led the influx as the number rose 8.8% from last year to a massive 9.07 million, according to the country’s tourism ministry.

This comes as great news to Spain’s slowly recovering economy, which relies on tourism for around 11% of its activity.

The most popular destination continues to be Catalunya, which received nearly 2.5 million tourists in August (7.5% increase on 2013), followed closely by the Balearic Islands with 2,193,677 tourists (6.2% increase) and Andalucia with 1,186,226 (5.6% more).

British tourists were the most common visitors in August at 2.14 million, largely thanks to the country’s economic recovery.

While 1.98 million French visitors and 1.29 million Germans also descended on Spain for their holiday. Meanwhile, tourists from the United States soared by 35.4% to 147,404.

The ministry also revealed that €34.497 billion was spent between January and July across Spain, 7% more than in 2013 and the highest such figure on record.

Interestingly, more tourists are opting to travel independently and book their own trips (75.5%) as opposed to the traditional package holidays, which have dropped by 6.6%.

Tom Powell

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  1. I can’t find the other article to which you refer, Fred, but if you live over here I’m sure you’ve noticed how much busier the tourist areas have been this summer compared to the past few years. So I guess you apply your own logic to answer your question.

    And, though I can’t throw any statistics about to prove it, it seems that the less-touristy areas where ‘new’ money is also badly needed are also getting busier too and visitors are investigating inner Spain away from the usual costas which must be a good thing for Spain and us who choose to live here.

  2. Anyone who’s tried to get a flight to Spain this year will probably have seen full plane-loads and very few flight bargains. However, although this year saw the first rise in domestic tourism in years (ie Spanish holiday making in their own country) it’s still down on the peak years.

  3. @Stuart, let me help you:


    It’s the link next to the article entitled “Hospitality expert to tackle Andalucia’s declining tourist industry”.

    I don’t actually spend the summer in Spain any longer as it’s far too hot. It’s been a scorcher this year – most unhealthy to be out in that. Everyone I talked to was either having 7 hour siestas or sitting in the pool all day. The coast is emptying again now and the weather is getting cooler – best time of the year in Spain, Autumn to Spring, imho.

  4. Ah, thanks Fred, it didn’t mention the declining tourist industry in the article itself so I never spotted it said that in the by-line or whatever the journo’s call it. I did wonder what you were on about in your comments on that thread (but then I often do!) so I think ‘improving’ is the better description rather than declining. Though as EDS says, not yet back to pre-crash levels and maybe never will be.

  5. Spain’s statistics are always confusing and contradictory. Property ones are the same. Would take a highly experienced Statistician to make sense of them. One thing is clear, Spain has turned the business of talking itself up into an art form.

  6. Interesting that Catalunya is the most popular destination – always thought that was Mallorca? But I suppose Barcelona (creaking under the strain – many locals are complaining) accounts for a large number of visitors. Plus the new high speed rail link to France no doubt draws a lot of visitors. Certainly the double-decker train I took from Girona to Paris in July was fully occupied.

  7. You make it sound like you’re in Spain all year round Fred. A revelation. Especially after all your pompous ranting during summer when you’re not even here.

    Summer in Spain is simply fantastic. The late nights/early mornings and all the fiestas). You have to adjust your clocks, but you certainly don’t ‘be out in that’ sun during the daytime. What a stupid thing to say or do.

    Hence the reason, in summer, Ex-pats stuck on British time – always whine!

    ¡Viva España!

  8. @Derek, I only spent 5 weeks away for the first time this year actually. You’re just confused again that a person can’t comment on a place they’ve lived in for decades because they took a month outside the country. Sums up the stupidity of your logic really.

    You said it yourself, nights and mornings are the only time you can do anything meaningful during the summer in Spain. My point exactly.

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