16 Oct, 2014 @ 16:28
1 min read

Spain’s National Traffic Authority spends nearly €2 million on 30 laser speed cameras

SPAIN’s National Traffic Authority (DGT) have spent € 1,996,500 on 30 laser speed cameras to be rolled out across 14 provinces.

The cameras are to be delivered by the contractor in the next two months according to the Official State Gazette (BOE) and come with a two year guarantee.

They are set so as to always capture two high quality images of the rear of a vehicle while controlling several lanes, at any time of day and on any type of road regardless of their positioning.

They do so thanks to two crossed infrared emitters that leave a space of a few centimetres which calculate the time it takes to move from one point to the other.

The cameras – that cost €66,550 each – will be used in Almería, Asturias, Cáceres, Cádiz, Cantabria, Jaén, Madrid, Málaga, Murcia, Ourense, Palencia, Sevilla y Teruel.

The DGT aims to raise a total of €360 million in fines in 2015 which would reportedly constitute a 6.1% loss on this year’s income.

Jacqueline Fanchini (Reporter)

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  1. Thirty more automated pickpockets. They will do nothing to control speed except in the spots where they are and regular users will just slow down, then frantically make up their precious lost seconds.
    Blatant one-eyed bandits reflecting the Spanish entrepreneurial spirit.

  2. No need for speed cameras in Spain. The potholes, switched off road lighting, and crumbling infrastructure everywhere is doing a great job of slowing the traffic down already.

  3. Couldnt agree more with Fred…… Spain is Spain; nobody forced you to come and live here; if you dont like it, then simply pack up and go back to wherever you came from.

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