22 Nov, 2014 @ 09:00
1 min read

Why work hard?

WITH Spaniards believing a ‘good education’ is more crucial to success than ‘working hard’, the country’s economic woes and high unemployment starts to make sense.  

In an eye-opening new study, 71% of adults insist good education is the key to success, compared to just 47% who think working hard was important.

And even though 51% believe ‘other outside forces’ determine success, maybe fewer siestas and a better worth ethic would lead to a better economic situation.


Rob Horgan

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  1. This is hardly earth-shaking news. Check the economic and labor statistics of any developed nation, and you’ll see confirmation that finishing high school, going to college, or university are the keys to economic success in a technological society.

    This is so fundamental to personal and national success that one has to be amazed by the US and English (but happily not British) elitist conservative strategy of setting ever higher financial barriers to getting an education. A few talented graduates carrying a lifetime educational debt, and a mass of uneducated, unemployable yobs offer little promise for economic success, and little hope for democracy!

  2. This is a very odd, ideologically loaded opinion piece.

    Getting a good education and working hard are not mutually exclusive.

    A siesta is also not counter-productive.

    What exactly is the point and purpose of this lazy article?

  3. The “siesta” custom is foolish. It causes traffic rush hour to occur four times daily. Businesses don’t even open up on schedule. The entire month of August is paid vacation. Then, there are all the silly “holidays” for this saint and that “whatever” excuse. All of this kills productivity, as well as the casual attitude towards work in general.

  4. ‘The “siesta” custom is foolish’ – better than working all day just to make it home in time for Coronation Street – that is the whole day in uk for a lot of people.

    ‘It causes traffic rush hour to occur four times daily’ – not really a life problem this is it.

    ‘The entire month of August is paid vacation’ – fantastic! The fiesta season is incredible in Spain. Unless you’re a miserable ex pat who either avoids them or goes back ‘home’. What a great month August is in Spain. It’s not bad in the uk too, you have Monday off for the end of month bank holiday.

    ‘there are all the silly “holidays” for this saint and that “whatever” excuse – It’s called CULTURE and enjoyment. Plus everyone has a Saints day and a birthday. That’s two parties a year for everyone, good hey?

    ‘the casual attitude towards work in general’ – some things are more important.

    just thought I’d say.

  5. I have worked Siesta hours, it is awful having to return in the afternoon. Also difficult when you have young children to care for.
    It was ok. In the old days when people usually lived over the shop or very close. When you have a drive it also pushes up the cost. Some can’t travel home and have to spend two or three hours hanging around.

    The siesta is dying out, supermarkets stay open, builders only take an hour and industry like car manufacturers only take a short break. Soon it will only be the small Mom and Pop shops that take siesta.

  6. Both of your posts Derek are complete twaddle, what the hell has Coronation Street got to do with the topic, and your last post suggests you are the miserable ‘b’ just by posting it, or deliberately winding up others.

  7. When you see them all eating and drinking mid afternoon, you know why all their shops and banks went bust! Wise people who support uk should invest in m&s or Northern rock. They will always be bailed out by the british pound. None of that euro rubbish! Keep warm everyone, turn up the heating, cheap in uk! Kisses!

  8. I’m glad Derek has made those posts, it perfectly illustrates his complete lack of real-world knowledge of a properly run country. Spain can’t have it both ways. Crippling unemployment, the ni-ni generation and zero business acumen, or reform and get the country back to work and build a recovery. Derek is just like Rajoy: clueless. He’d be perfect in the current Spanish ‘government’ lol.

  9. @Derek
    I have no problem with anyone giving an educated opinon but your comments in this piece are shockingly silly. Although Paul maybe a little extreme with his views he is much closer to the truth than you and obviously must live here. I can only speak from my experiences in the South of Spain but I can ensure you August is not a great month and that local holidays and siesta culture here are kill the local economy at a time when it needs kick up the back side which I imagine is where a lot of your opinions may of come from, you are so out of touch it is almost comical

  10. Derek, your Coronation Street remark was rather like the Thornberry gaffe.

    Fred, Paul F, Bryan and Mark are right. I would add that the days of Spain being able to just “bump along” in the old way are gone forever, they need to change their entire approach to business like yesterday, otherwise they will disappear down the plughole. Yes, they need a good education system but it is equally important to have a good business system if they are to succeed. Outside forces do come into the equation but they also need to take responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming others for their failings.

  11. Well said Jane. You are very right about the blaming thing as there is a huge blame culture here, with the ability to take responsibility for your failings non existent. Work practices are changing here but there is a huge amount of people who refuse to modernize their way of thinking or move with the times. A lot of these type of buisnesses in Fuengirola where I am have been owned by families for years and have had their rent set low (which is soon set to change) which means they can get away with not being run in an efficient manner.
    I have talked many time on here about work practice here in Spain yet during the crisis things are worse than ever with workman failing to turn up on time or at all. For example I had an electrician turn up last week to fix a spot light on my wall which he installed yet he forget his ladder and brough the wrong light bulb to change. I guess I should be happy he turned up

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