16 Apr, 2015 @ 17:27
1 min read

Decision time!

vote e

voteDECISION day is looming. With less than a month to go, election debates and campaigns are in full swing.

In the three years since I turned 18, I have never voted in any Spanish local elections. I never had a interest in politics and I took a very naïve attitude of “why bother? It’s not going to affect me and my future”.

Since then, I feel that I’ve grown up more and my attitude towards things has changed. It may be thanks to the journalism course I’m taking, but I have realised that whatever decision a politician makes may have an affect on my life and those of my peers.

So this year, I have decided to vote in the UK general elections. I applied for overseas voting a few weeks ago and am now able to cast my vote in May.

Many people that I have spoken to don’t understand why I want to vote. I’ve been told that I’ll be wasting my time, and that whoever I vote for will do whatever they want without the public’s consideration. Not to mention that I don’t live in the UK anymore.

I understand what everyone is saying and I know that I am no longer a UK resident, but I feel that I’m doing the right thing, that now is the right time.

I’ll admit I’m not a huge admirer of any of the political parties. Some of their policies I agree with, whilst others I don’t. But I am going to vote.  I don’t know who for yet, but I’ve been watching the debates and I’m slowly making a conclusion.

I maybe making a mistake in voting, but it’s a mistake I’m willing to make. Whatever happens in May could have an impact on expats lives as well as UK residents.

Am I wasting my time in voting? Let me know your thoughts.




Claire Thomas

Originally from Kent, I moved to Spain with my parents when I was 10 years old. I was thrown into the deep end when I was put into the Spanish education system with no grasp of the language.

I'm now 22 and my friends all call me an “Española”. Since passing my Bachillerato (English Baccalaureate) I have worked in shops and bars and I have also taught Spanish to ex-pats. I have a keen interest in writing as well as travelling and one day I hope to become a writer.

1 Comment

  1. The only wasted vote is one that isn’t used Claire. Some of your sisters died and were tortured for the right. Don’t ignore their sacrifice. Consider your options and vote for those who you believe care most for humanity. Thanks for being concerned.

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