A COALITION of expat groups has welcomed calls to safeguard the rights of UK expats by a cross-party group of MPs.
But the group, which includes Bremain in Spain and EuroCitizens, urged Westminster to give ‘greater focus on the many complex issues’ raised during expats’ testimony at the Exiting the EU committee.
‘Working UK citizens and their continuing rights to work and have their qualifications recognised’ should be prioritised, the expats’ coalition said.

Existing healthcare and pension rights for UK expats should be protected, according to the committee of MPs.
Bremain In Spain spokesperson Sue Wilson said: “The fact that the committee has taken on board the recommendation that EU and UK nationals should not lose any health care rights, and that the Government should seek the continuation of existing reciprocal arrangements for uprating pensions, is welcome news.
|”We eagerly await a response – and some action – from the Government.”
In the Exiting The EU Committee’s report, ‘The rights of UK and EU citizens’, the MPs said it would be ‘unconscionable’ for UK-based EU citizens and British expats ‘not to have clarity about their status for another two years’.
Theresa May is expected to trigger Article 50, and kickstart the process of exiting the EU, by the end of March.
Theresa May does not have the slightest clue about what to do with Brexit, EU immigrants, UK immigrants, etc.
Having a minister of foreign affairs like Johnson does not help too much either.
Guess that happens when you have an unelected PM who represents nobody.
It’s obviously in the UK’s interest not to have a large number of disgruntled ex-expats turn up with no jobs, no houses to go to, no money and also demanding health care from the UK taxpayer.
This clearly has to be a priority for all 28 governments to agree.
I made an informed decision on the basis that the UK is a member of the EU to sell my property in the UK and make a new life here in the knowledge that I would have access to reciprocal healthcare and annual pension increments. The right to live my life the way I choose, independently and with dignity will be taken away from me, through no fault of my own, if the government continues on its collision course with the EU to the detriment of millions of people and the nation as a whole. Since the referendum I no longer have peace of mind and my first thought on waking up in the morning is Brexit. and my heart sinks.
I agree, can you imagine a million pensioners returning to the UK with no hope of buying properties, requiring healthcare (this is much cheaper in Spain for example), pension credits, housing, housing benefit etc etc. These people were allowed to move to EU countries because they were European citizens and it would be totally wrong not to allow them to continue where they are on the same terms.
I have healthcare here in Spain, because I work here and pay taxes. I’m not permitted to use the UK NHS as I have been out of the UK too long. If I came back to the UK with no job and no healthcare it would be up to Brexit Britain to pick up the pieces.
Not forgetting all those people with children, etc., who could turn up and require housing, social care, schooling for their dependents, etc., should there not be a right to remain.
That folks, was the world you left behind. What makes anyone think that a safety net awaits in Blighty? Much damage has been done to the Welfare State in recent years, due to the big Austerity lie. Returning expats will be at the back of the foodbank queue.
A viewing of the movie “I Daniel Blake” by Ken Loach will give an insight to the Britain that awaits to “welcome” returning migrants, dragging their tails behind them
If the UK wants expats back, it had better be prepared for the consequences.
Can you imagine the headlines if a British citizen is forced to return to the UK due to Brexit and is then denied healthcare?
I have zero confidence in May and her thicko side kicks. They are completely deluded and haven’t a clue as to what they are going to be up against in the negotiations. If you missed the Laura Kuenssberg programme on BBC 2 last night, watch it on catch up, it tells you everything you need to know. Watch Boris the liar squirming and Davis trying to engage his brain, it’s a real treat.
The Brexiteers were not expecting to win the referendum, they still don’t have a plan and it’s all going to go horribly wrong.
You have been away too long T.Stephens. These people don’t give a toss about headlines, people are committing suicide on account of benefit sanctions. Disabled, mentally sick, homeless sleeping in doorways, foodbanks (used by a million at last count) Hospitals full to bursting (and prisons) these and many other cruel “austerity” led mean, savage cuts , are the order of the day under the lying, manky Tories.
If you can possibly hang on in Spain or wherever, then do so. There’s less than nowt for you at “home”. Once more, view “I Daniel Blake” if you want a true glance at today’s Britain.
Well Done, Sue Wilson & thank you for all
your efforts on behalf us all.