RINCON de la Victoria Town Hall chiefs have organised a Brexit meeting aimed at British expats and businesses.
The aim of the event is to quash some of the rumours going around regarding the UK’s expectant departure from the EU at the end of January.
The meeting, to be held on January 15, has been organised by the Department of Tourism together with the British Consulate.
Appearing is British Consulate staff member Susan Davenport, giving information and answering questions on residents’ and business owners’ concerns and queries.

The meeting is part of a programme that the British Consulate is conducting to help inform the expat communities.
Further meetings are planned to take place in the coming weeks.
According to the mayor of Rincon, Francisco Salado, the main issues that have been brought to attention are concerns over obtaining residencies, exchanging driving licences, passports and medical coverage.
Along with the mayor and British representatives, the councillor of tourism, Antonio Jose Martin (PP) will also be present to give a Spanish perspective on a no-deal Brexit; informing expat residents on the local government’s promises and plans come January 31.
If you would like to head along, the meeting will be held next Wednesday, January 15, in the Plenary Hall of the Rincon de la Victoria Town Hall from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.