MORE than 2000 children – including hundreds from across Spain – are believed to have been tricked sending sexual images to a paedophile in Huelva.
Police said girls as young as seven fell victim to the sickening crime after they were targeted by a 28-year-old man over social media.
The hunt for the creep began when a horrified mother contacted cops to say her child, who was under nine at the time, had been asked for photographs of a sexual nature through a social network.

Detectives say the man contacted 311 minors across various provinces, aged between seven and 13, obtaining sexual images of 96 of them.
The creep used a fake profile and posed as a teenager to contact girls before tricking them into sending lurid images.
He gained their trust by lying that he was in contact with well known celebrities and threatened to unfollow the youngster unless they did as he said.
When the Civil Guard arrested the man they found he had more than 2,484 sexual photographs of girls he had contacted by a social network on his mobile.
The detainee is charged with 96 crimes of sexual abuse and corruption of minors.