WHEN it comes to talking about climate change, it is impossible to stay away from politics. They are completely intertwined.
My recent columns have focused on the dire situation that planet earth faces as a result of governments around the world failing to act quickly enough to reduce the more than obvious impact of global warming.
So, this week, let’s look at the humorous side of things. That’s what we do in the face of adversity.
I’m going to ignore:
· The fact that only the misguided delusional optimists, and mentally challenged still think that keeping global warming within the agreed target of a maximum increase of 1.5C is possible
· The impact on the environment caused by the murdering lunatic Putin
· Pretend that the Taiwan escalation is not happening (there’s nothing the rednecks like more than a war on foreign soil)
· Deforestation is increasing
And focus on Pedro Sanchez’s solution.

He recently announced that to save energy he is going to stop wearing a tie!
This is unreal and truly farcical and worthy of a West End comedy. Bring back Morecambe and Wise.
He is also advocating the same initiative for all public employees and in the private sector. Tie shops must love him.
I can’t recall ever witnessing such a blatant attempt to divert attention from the major challenges his leadership faces.
Many political commentators are wondering what item of clothing he endorses removing next.
Unreliable sources are expecting him to start promoting the famed Spanish Straw Donkey. Remember those? They were highly popular with the advent of mass tourism in the 1970s.
Less popular if you happened to be seated on a plane next to a muppet who had bought one.
But now Pedro’s pony is set for a comeback. It’s made by hand and requires no electricity.
All part of the government’s drive to encourage tourism to Spanish shores. (Forget the 90 day rule, the British driving licence exchange fiasco and the less than speedy Spanish residency application process).
So Sánchez has it cracked. God help us.
Martin Tye is the owner of energy switch company Mariposa Energy. Contact him on +34 638145664 or email him at martin@mariposaenergia.es
- NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE: Just consider the facts – climate policy has failed.
- Net zero by 2050? Fact or fantasy?
- A Wasted Decade: How political corruption robbed Spain of success with renewable energies