GRAPE ESCAPE: Driver arrested with car full of stolen peppers is same man who stole three tonnes of grapes in Spain’s Andalucia Dozens of peppers tumbled out of the vehicle - believed to be a Citroen Picasso - when officers opened the boot 13 Aug, 2019 @ 16:57 Crime & Law·Lead·Sevilla
DON’T LEAF US THIS WAY: Brexit striking fear into hearts of ‘terrified’ farmers in Spain’s Andalucia Scores of other Spanish growers export their watermelons, cucumbers and lettuces to UK giants like Sainsbury’s and Marks & Spencer while northern Europe freezes in 9 Mar, 2019 @ 10:00 Almeria·Food & Drink·Lead
HALLOWEEN: Spain is Europe’s leading pumpkin producer with 115,000 tonnes a year Pumpkin sales spike around Halloween, where they are used for carving, a practice first thought to have been done by the Maori 700 years ago 31 Oct, 2018 @ 12:35 Business & Finance·Food & Drink·Lead·National News
Spain facing €580 million losses after Russia bans EU food Small farms are bearing the brunt of the sanctions 15 Aug, 2014 @ 13:15 Lead·National News