14 Jul, 2013 @ 11:00
1 min read

Malaga journalist stays hairy

hairywoman e

AN Andalucian woman has made news around Spain… for not shaving!

Malaga journalist Paloma Goni has made headlines of her own after going public with the admission that she doesn’t shave her legs or armpits

On her blog Aires de Cambio, she admitted she hadn’t touched a razor blade for nine months.

She explains—without modesty—her compelling arguments for going ‘wild,’ saying she felt it is a waste of time, ‘nonsense’ brought on by society, and downright ‘torture.’ She also includes photos of her in a short skirt and tank top.

The photos and the post have caused quite a ruckus online, sparking a dialogue on the issue.

Not worried the least bit with aesthetics or social norms, Goni is undeniably making quite a statement.

“I’m a very hairy woman,” she says simply. And she seems to be just fine with it.


  1. I agree there’s always time to chill out Stefanjo – I’ll take back some rants I’ve had in this summer heat if that’s ok. Is anyone you know though having a grim time? or are they just eating and drinking less? What will grim times be like when these ‘grim’ prophecies come true? like an actual zombie apocalypse, or simply people consuming less/staying in more, whilst still relaxing in Spain’s nicer climate, eating tapas and drinking small beers/socialising/sitting around?

  2. yawn.
    when she wants a husband and family she’ll ‘conform’ to society.
    Or live in a hippy comune like the other untouchables.

    You go girl !
    (what do you mean i should use soap – if god intended for me to smell of sweat, who are you to say otherwise!)

  3. Hahahah! “No man will put up with this?” Tom – you really should get your own ideals checked before making asinine statements like this.
    That is not true at all. YOU may not “put up” with a woman not conforming to what society tells her is “sexy”, but there are plenty of men who are less caught up in their own life and care about how WOMEN feel as well. Not how men THINK women should be.

    Honestly, it’s 2013 and men still think they have the end all to arguments about female body hair. Grow up.

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