ENERGETIC, demanding, loud – yes, seven-year-olds can be a lot of work.
And, as the Olive Press hits its seventh anniversary, it is anything but different.
After humble beginnings nearly a decade ago, the Olive Press has grown into the best investigative and campaigning English language paper in Spain.
Despite moving to the coast this year to support our expansion, we have not lost sight of our original remit… to do something positive for this fantastic region.
Whether this be campaigning for the environment, exposing crooks, or promoting the very best of Andalucia, we continue to offer a varied and colourful diet.
This year has been no different to most. While the paper launched in 2006 exposing the greedy developers behind Ronda’s Los Merinos scheme, this year we have highlighted the short-sighted plans within the Alcornocales and Donana parks.
Meanwhile, our investigations have brought more threats and lawsuits from fraudsters and cheats that we have continued to expose.
But that is what we do and we have never been afraid to choose a side, to stand up for the little guy and protect what is right.
Rival papers even turned on us after we threatened their cozy coastal carve up, with proper news by real journalists, a few years ago. One even ended up devoting an entire editorial, describing us as negative and depressing and like a ‘snake, slithering its way down to the coast.’ How funny then, that in our latest issue we should exposing a columnist and close friend of the owner of that very paper.
All in all, the Olive Press is still developing, with an ever-increasing online presence and big ambitions for the future.
So why don’t we slither our way back from the coast where everything might be so much easier?
Well, because at seven years old, we are just getting started.
I wish the OP had been available online 13 years ago – pero, esta la vida.
Lucky for us Stuart, it HAS been there. You’re much appreciated O.P. “Slither” on!
Merry Christmas to you all. And thanks for keeping it going.
I do enjoy this paper.
I like the relaxed moderation of comments – many of the others restrict opinion, not just bad language, etc.
I like to see quickly whats going on around the country.
I like the layout.
Bravo y muy bien.
keep up the good work…..
Keep on slithering, harder and faster, and looking down even more unpleasant holes. Good work.
I have to agree, you have the balance just right, and are fast becoming the must read paper for the coast. I just proves you don’t need 550 pages to make a good paper, in fact 550 pages makes a lousy paper.
Thanks… we try and keep the balance right and keep you entertained and informed at the same time… and without having to sift through 100 pages of advertisements.
Thanks for the miserable updates OP, it keeps the regular doom-loving posters HAPPY.
Let’s HOPE you come across more ladders and less snakes though this year.
Well done, I expect you and the contributors have saved many people a lot of time, stress and money with your articles and their comments, maybe not Roger Stevens but we can’t all be perfect. Like Stuart, if this was available many years ago I wold probably have avoided Spain and gone to France or nowhere, nowhere would have been the best choice!
By saving money Freap, do you mean not investing in Spain?
Any articles exposing corruption are definitely welcome on here.
On a more positive note, just seen the Euro is nearly 1.21 today against the pound.
Most people we know at the coast and inland LOVE living in Spain. Ones that don’t are either out of work builders or who miss their grandchildren.
and I know you won’t like to hear (especially in the uk today) Freap, but yes, I have just been out for a 70c tostada and a 1 euro really nice coffee (in the sunshine).
Viva España & Viva Olive Press!
Just a few weeks ago Mr Stevens was lamenting the OP for all the negative stories and was bidding us farewell. Lol what a noob.
Strange the way the mod knocks out my posts but not the abusive EgoSteve?
70c for a tostado entero/1€ for a cafe grande – name the cafe and it’s location. I’m sure there will be plenty of OP readers who can check if you are telling the truth – if you do not we will all know you are lying.
When we first lived in Guadix a tostado entero in the town’s best cafe/restaurant the Calatrava was 1.25 and a cafe grande was 1€. By the time we left in 2009 this had gone up to €2.75.
As you will see I have named the cafe and it’s location, come on EgoSteve – name that cafe and it’s location – we are waiting.
Ok,i’ll bite(no pun intended). In the Malaga province-Bar Andaluz on Av de Los Guindos(1.50 euro includes tapa, the cafe 1 euro) and Bar Colia 2.50 euro includes choice of drink and over 35 tapas(barrio La Luz) are two that I love. I don’t mean cheap small and tasteless but real hardy tapa;dare I say close to raciones. Keep in mind not much if any English is spoken at both. Perhaps that’s the key!
Can’t wait to get back but until then…Happy New Year and Three King’s Day.
er.. most local places in Spain Stuart. As you live in France, these prices are just probably shocking for you eh?
I’ve no ego Stuart, just like to stand up for any positives for living here in Spain on this website, of which there are too many to name. Simple pleasures like a nice cheap mid morning Spanish breakfast is one of them. Then you come on here like a raving lunatic ha ha.
you hav’nt told us where this cafe is – ergo you must be lying, which is a very good reason to ban you from this forum.
There was another just like you who raved about the restaurants around Granada, when Fred and I asked him to name these restaurants – he disappeared from the forum.
There is nothing in my posts to suggest I am ‘a raving lunatic’ once again you use abusive and language again because you are safe behind the i/net – sad and cowardly.
Started out as a congratulatory article wishing OP another many years and has turned into a stupid argument over the cost of coffee and tapas!!!
Grow up.
Ps – where we are average coffee and tapas – €2 (sorry)
Agree Paul – let’s get back on topic. Regular price for café y tostada is €2 or less where I am (Serrania de Ronda)
Similar area WM
Coffee with toast or churros included around 2 to 2,30 euros even here in expensive Madrid. So I’m inclined to believe Mr Steven’s account.
Then why has’nt EgoSteve named the cafe and it’s location – put up or shut up.
Another place that surprisingly does an excellent tostado and good coffee is Granada bus station – but not at 70c for a tostado entero.