28 Jan, 2014 @ 12:00
1 min read

The Euesdens stole my newspaper claims British journalist

Mojacar resident Lenox Napier

A BRITISH journalist has claimed the publishers of the Euro Weekly News stole his newspaper and left him penniless.

Almeria-based expat Lenox Napier told Almeria Court Penal Four that he had been ‘cheated’ by Michel and Steven Euesden, who he had taken on as sales staff at his newspaper.

Giving evidence in court, Napier said the Euesdens failed to pay the monies owed at the end of a three-year buyout process of the paper, The Entertainer.

He claims the pair then illegally rebranded the paper as the Euro Weekly News, but continued the edition numbers where The Entertainer broke off.

Napier, who lives in Mojacar, added they had re-registered the website and the brand behind his back.

He said: “I trusted them and having worked hard to set up the newspaper for over a decade I expected to be rewarded. But I got nothing.”

Steven and Michel Euesden
Steven and Michel Euesden

He also told the court the Euesdens have purchased several domain names, all including his name, which redirect to their own site, www.theeuesdens.com.

They also bought that of The Entertainer, which leads to the Euro Weekly News site.

Napier claims set up The Entertainer in 1985, along with two friends, and by 1995 they were distributing 40,000 papers across Andalucia. He was at the helm of the newspaper until 1999, when the staff buyout took place.

The deal saw the Euesdens agree to pay Napier an undisclosed monthly fee over three years, and a lump sum at the end of the term.

The Euesdens, who live in Mijas, claim they didn’t settle the bills because The Entertainer brand wasn’t Napier’s to sell.

They have brought two charges against Napier, the first defrauding, in relation to the sale of the newspaper, and the second of defamation, relating to articles published on line.

On his blog, The Entertainer Online, he set up a section called the Weeniewatch, which kept a close eye on the Euesdens.

One particular point that angered the pair was being described as pornographers by Napier.

The journalist wrote they owned a series a magazines with a sexual theme which they distributed across the Costa del Sol.

When asked about this in the court, Michel admitted they had four or five magazines of such a nature. But they had now sold them.

Defending his articles to the judge, Napier said some of the more fruity language used in the pieces were meant in jest.

He further defended his blogs as freedom of speech and insisted he had every right to write about the Euesdens considering what he claims they had done to him.

Napier claims the Euesdens are demanding two years in prison and €30,000 in damages.

He stands by his assertion that the pair stole the newspaper off him.

A ruling is due within the next month.

Claire Wilson

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  2. Having attended the hearing I can state that Michel Euesden did NOT ‘admit’in court that they owned ‘several magazines of a sexual nature’, as claimed above, but responded that the media group had had several different magazines, one of them the one mentioned, and all of which were later sold. The magazines were on several themes.

  3. Well as somebody who was allowed in the court room yesterday, I would suggest that if you are going to print these stories, you really need to get your facts straight! Michel Euesden did not say she had various magazines of that nature, she simply admitted to having various different magazines! The word pornographer was not used at all yesterday, unless i was sat in a different court case!! As an investigative reporter Olive Press, you really should check before printing as there was no mention of 30000€ for damages /compensation and I also happen to know that they dont live in Calla de Mijas either!!! Funny how you fail to mention that it was agreed in the court room by all parties that the Euesdens did in fact pay over half a million euros for something he did not own!! Cant wait for the verdict!

  4. This from our reporter who covered the trial:

    Claire Wilson (Reporter)
    JANUARY 28TH, 2014 5:50 PM (EDIT)
    The three stories published about this are a series of stories about a court case, one of the biggest affecting expats in southern Spain given the size of the Euro Weekly News.
    One in advance of the trial, one the Euesden’s evidence, and one from Napier’s point of view. No bias, no spin, just the facts as reported from the trial, and the verdict in due course.
    All comments are live on the site, apart from some crude ones about the Euesdens. In fact they are almost all supporting the EWN publishers. They sometimes don’t go live immediately as we do not have a dedicated moderator.
    Finally, re: the comment about the Euesdens being accused of being ‘pornographers’. I attended the trial and when asked about the five magazines they previously owned, Michel confirmed to the judge, when asked if they were ‘of a sexual nature’ that they were. End of story.

  5. Sorry to be a bore, but this story is really not “affecting expats” in any way whatsoever, is it?

    The Nerja sewage plant is an example of something that is of great imporantance to readers; this story is really just a personal legal battle, as Gina correctly states.

    Btw, I’ll offer to moderate for you Jon. No charge.

  6. I believe we all want responsible reporting of everything that is related to the expat community. I do have to agree though that I do not believe any story should come across as though there is a personal vendetta between publications. I don’t think the public are interested. They want to see quality journalism. I also think for the most part the Olive Press do a fantastic job and should be commended for their investigative journalism where other newspapers seem lacking. However it is a point of note that there does appear to be several factual discrepancies in the reporting of this story between different commentators I have found on the internet this morning. Being known for factual reporting is I am sure the objective of all the media.

  7. GINA, This IS news and surely most people like to read the local papers for an update on the news, and of course all the local gossip, this probably comes under the later classification. I remember a while back this newspaper reported the case of a certain local radio personality, which caused a lot of gossip for and against that particular personality in its comments. No other paper reported this case, I wonder why? at least this paper lets us know ALL that is going on on the Costas.

  8. Yogi, there is nothing wrong with healthy gossip; after all it does seem to make the world go around! It all depends if it’s just spurious gossip or actually based on fact rather than conjecture. I remember the story about the local radio “personality” and several people came here and elsewhere to give their versions of the facts. Several of them though were shot down in flames for airing their view! I do think it is good though that the Olive Press are one of the very few who lets everyone have their say regardless!

  9. Good comments… And yes it’s called freedom of speech.
    As for inaccuracies we sent a reporter to cover the trial and that is what she (and backed up by 2 others in court) heard…
    Another journalist Richard Torne from Costa Almeria News would have also confirmed this if he hadnt been bizarrely (and v shockingly thrown out of court)…
    The grey area was in response to a claim by Napier on a blog that the Euesdens were ‘pornographers’…
    And Michel admitted in court to having a sex contacts magazine…It was not clear if the other ‘4 or 5’ mags were of a similar nature.
    Is a sex contacts magazine pornography…? That’s up to the judge to rule on…

  10. “The three stories published about this are a series of stories about a court case, one of the biggest affecting expats in southern Spain”

    How is it affecting expats exactly? Can Claire explain?

  11. Thumbs up for Olive Press, its an interesting story!! All Expats seem to want to read about is anything to do with Winter Fuel Allowance, Charity events where they can get anything free or when are they going to lose their soaps on TV.

  12. Yes BigJon, seriously. This story does not “affect” expats. English satellite TV changes, sewage plants, illegal builds, corruption, healthcare, taxes – they are all things that really affect expats living in Spain. Even if you know who is behind the news, it doesn’t affect you in your daily life. Please tell us all how this news “affects” you, personally, BigJon? Will it alter your life? lol

  13. Fred, I am disappointed that you do not see the benefit of knowing this story. Wouldnt you like to know if the person(s) telling you news is either a law abiding citizen, or soleless b-tards who’ll do anything to push their own agenda. How can people expect integrity from this paper.
    On a personal note, i like to know of people in the community who claim to be viable business partners are, or not, crooks.
    Ignorance is never better.

  14. My issue is just with the word “affect”. It is annoying when journalists attempt to tell people what affects their daily lives.

    We all knew this story years ago from as early as 2009. Nothing new has really emerged since then. This story is not going to alter your life and I have yet to meet one person who it has genuinely affected. Claire Wilson’s wording was just wrong, it’s as simple as that.

  15. I commend the Olive Press for covering this story and the good work by their reporter and wonder how many folks who are commenting on this matter were around in 1992 or 1985.

    I have known Lenox Napier since he was 16 years of age. He was the only child of dysfunctional parents both dilettantes and patrons of the arts and local artists. Both Lenox and his parents were generous people, generous with their money in helping others.

    Initially the Entertainer was a fun thing reporting local news around Mojacar that eventually covering a wider geographical area.

    While Lenox is bright and intelligent with good writing skills he does not have a business background and whatever business acumen he acquired it was learned on the job.

    It is indeed regrettable that over the years Spain particularly the south has attracted all kinds of flotsam and jetsam including fugitives from justice.

    Like anywhere else among the expatriate communities there were those of independent means and those seeking their fortune.

    Oftentimes wealthy folks fall prey to predators who through their own naiveté are taken advantage of.

  16. So, if these people are so innocent, ethical and honest, why did they (Steven) register domain names in virtually every permutation of ‘lenoxnapier’ (.com, .co.uk, org, lenox-napier’ etc. etc.) and have each one redirected to their web site showing them flaunting their questionable ‘wealth’ in front of a ‘flash’ car with the song “Looks like we made it” playing?

    I don’t suppose that was in any way aimed at Lenox?

    What would be their motives for doing that?

    What lovely, charitable citizens they are!

    Domain name : LENOXNAPIER.COM
    Registrar of record: 10Dencehispahard SL
    Record last updated on :03-Mar-2012
    Record expires on :27-Feb-2014
    Record created on :27-Feb-2007

    Administrative Contact:
    Steven Edward Euesden,
    Avda. de la Constitucion 8
    Arroyo de la Miel 29630

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