7 Aug, 2014 @ 08:32
1 min read

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem retract anti-Israel statements

bardem and cruz

SPANISH actors Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem have retracted statements about the on-going Gaza conflict.

The pair signed an open letter – sent on behalf of the whole Spanish film industry – pinning the blame for violence in the Gaza strip on Israel.

“I’m not an expert on the situation and I’m aware of the complexity of it,” said Cruz, 40, in a statement claiming the Pirates of the Caribbean actress’s only intention was to show her desire for peace in the area.

Bardem, 45, too defended himself and his wife against accusations of anti-Semitism, coming most notably from American actor Jon Voight, father of Angelina Jolie.

He clarified that he detests the military decisions of the Israeli government rather than its people, who he has ‘great respect’ for.

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  1. Why should these two retract anything – oh I get it – if you want to work on American films in the future toe the APAC line or else.

    Did’nt know that Voight was so biased over Israel. Worked on a film he starred in a long time ago now – did’nt realise he was so bigoted.

  2. To conflate an anti-Israeli government stance, with anti-Semitism, is the oldest, biggest, and most reliable lie in the Zionist song book. Bardem and Cruz are actually making a clarification, rather than a retraction.

  3. Many people have criticized the Israeli response in Gaza without being called anti-Semites, in fact many Jewish actors, entertainment industry icons, and media reporters themselves have gone on record on calling the actions by Israel disproportionate and harsh. The line is crossed when the term “genocide” is used as a weapon against Israel, which is what the letter in question did– without thought of justification. To compare what is happening in Gaza to what happened in World War 2 against 6 million Jews, and claim they are bloodthirsty for the blood of children– when it is clearly not the case, is only done for one reason — to hurt and demonize the Jewish State and the Jewish People by implication. This is where the line was crossed, and this is where many Americans (John Voight is not Jewish) became outraged. It has nothing to do with AIPAC.

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