A GROWING taste for chicken is being blamed for the dramatic increase of Spain’s environmental footprint.
A worldwide survey into food industry sustainability – carried out by the National Geographic Society – measured consumption habits in 18 countries.
Spain has seen a more dramatic fall in sustainability that any other country – falling two places since the last survey in 2012 – which is largely being blamed on an increase of chicken production.
It is now 11th in the global list, behind India in first place, South Korea in third, Brazil in fourth, Russia in 8th and Germany in 10th.
Behind Spain came Sweden in 12th, Britain in 14th, Canada in 17th and America in last place.
The Spanish are also apparently the least frequent consumers of home-grown food, and 42% of the population consume bottled water daily,
But the Spanish consumers – who were one of the most attached to their national foods, along with Chinese, Indian and Mexican – also have one of the healthiest diets.
Spaniards eat fruit and vegetables more frequently than many other groups, and in general avoid convenient ready-meals.