EXPATS living in Spain will have their futures decided at the same time as arrangements for EU citizens living in the UK are made, David Davis has said.

The new Brexit Minister said he was determined to win a ‘generous settlement’ for both UK-based migrants and the 1.2 million Brits in the EU.
Davis also ruled out removing the three million EU migrants currently in the UK, although he said the government may act if there is a ‘surge’ of late arrivals.
“We will get a generous settlement for EU migrants here now and a generous settlement for British citizens in the EU,” said Davis.
Meanwhile, new International Trade Secretary Liam Fox has said he wants Brexit to be completed by January 1, 2019.
The prominent Leave campaigner is pushing for a quick exit, which would mean triggering Article 50 by the end of 2016.
The ‘f’ word is missing again and I mean the word future. Davis is not being very thorough, what about people who want to live/work/retire in Spain in the future? No mention of them, yet again. All the emphasis is on winding things up and only dealing with existing people, not setting up new guidelines for the future. Does this mean that the door will slam shut?
Is it just me, or does anyone else hear an echo of Ebenezer Scrooge in the phrase “generous settlement”. Doesn’t it remind you of “Are there not workhouses”? Or maybe it’s just that squinty-eyed sneer in the picture you chose to use.