The leader of Ciudadanos in Catalunia, Inés Arrimadas, has confirmed that she will press charges against a woman who wrote on Facebook that she wanted to see Arrimadas gang raped.
“Here is a clear sign of hatred”, Arrimadas wrote on Twitter “I’m going to report this woman. Not only because what she said about me, but for all the women who have been raped”
The shocking Facebook post was written by Rosa María Miras Puigpinós, from Badalona.

“I know that I’m going to have criticism from all sides, I know that what I’m going to say is macho … but listening to Arrimadas in the T5 debate, I can only wish that when she leaves tonight she is gang raped because she does not deserve anything else the filthy bitch”.
Arrimadas had been supported in her decision to prosecute by colleagues from all sides, including PSOE general secretary, Pedro Sánchez, Junta de Andalucia president Susana Díaz, and Podemos spokesperson Irene Montero.
Puigpinós has already been fired from her job at international property valuation firm Tinsa as a result of her Facebook post.