A COURT has today heard the agreement between the parents of Julen who died in a Malaga well owned by his uncle David Serrano.
Julen’s body was recovered from the well on Serrano’s land in January, 12 months ago.
Both parties have agreed that Serrano will receive a one year suspended prison sentence for manslaughter and will also pay compensation.
According to El Pais, the defendant has been ordered to pay the two-year-old’s parents José Roselló and Victoría Garcia €180,000 in compensation. Serrano acknowledged his guilt of manslaughter during the hearing.

Serrano has also been ordered to pay compensation to the Andalucian government in the amount of €663,982.45 to cover the attempted rescue of Julen. This outcome brings the tragic case to a close.
Serrano, who legally owns the plot in Totalan, was scheduled to be tried for manslaughter for serious negligence which resulted in the toddler’s death.
The lawyers of Julen’s family had requested up to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Julen died from head trauma in January 2018 following a fall down an uncovered well at Serano’s farm.
The rescue mission, which retrieved his body was the biggest in Spain’s history, with some 300 service personnel drafted in to help.