PRIOR Park School continues to go from strength to strength and is now a vibrant part of the local community in Gibraltar.
Now, well into its fourth academic year, the school continues to deliver an impressive set of exam results with a 100% high grade pass rate so far.
The founding GCSE cohort achieved 50% of all grades at 7-9 with a remarkable 14% of all grades achieved by the year group were 9s, the new highest grade.
“These results well exceeded the expected level of attainment in the UK and we are immensely proud of our students for their hard work and fantastic achievements,” explains Headmaster Peter Watts.

The school prides itself on extensive Co-Curricular initiatives for pupils where they spend a minimum of 3 hours each week on sports, charitable enterprises or creative activities at school and within the local community.
Pupils can also enjoy a wide range of exciting school trips, from the annual snow sports trip to Language and Creative Arts trips around Europe.
The school has also driven inter-schools sports competitions among schools in Gibraltar and in Spain.
Next year, the school plans to add another 50 students to its growing campus across years 7 to 13.
“With ambitious plans for the future of our school, we continue to support, encourage and lift up our students to be forward-thinking, compassionate and driven young individuals,” concludes Mr Watts.