THE self-confessed cannibal also admitted feeding pieces of her to his pet dog.
Alberto Sánchez Gómez is on trial in Madrid over the death of his 66-year-old mother who he is accused of strangling, chopping into pieces before cooking her and sharing her with his pet dog.
When he was arrested in 2019 at his mother’s home near Las Ventas bullring in the Spanish capital police said they found body parts scattered around the apartment – some kept in plastic containers.

At the time of her death, his mother Maria Soledad Gomez, 66 had a restraining order against her son after repeated incidents of domestic violence against her.
Police were called by a concerned friend who hadn’t seen the pensioner for several days and who worried that some harm may have come to her.
On entering the apartment they came across a gruesome scene; The corpse had reportedly been cut up using a carpenter’s saw and kitchen knives into dozens of pieces that were discovered stored in tupperware containers and mixed up with household waste in bin bags.
At the time of the arrest when he was 26, it was reported that Sanchez confessed to police that he had cooked her up before eating her and feeding bits to his dog.
He told the court that he ‘heard voices on the television and in his head’ telling him to ‘kill his mother’.
But the defendant has told Madrid’s Provincial Court that he does not remember dismembering and eating his mother.
State prosecutors are calling for a sentence of 15 years and 5 months.
The trial continues.
READ ALSO: Spanish man arrested after fleeing French checkpoint with a mummified corpse in the passenger seat