THE FRENCH have been advised to ‘avoid Spain and Portugal’ this summer as Delta variant becomes dominant and infections rise.
“To those who have not yet booked their holidays, I say avoid Spain and Portugal as destinations. It is a prudent advice, a recommendation,” French Junior European Affairs Minister Clement Beaune told France 2 TV.
But authorities have not placed any official restrictions on travel to Spain.
“We will decide in the next few days but we could take reinforced measures”, Beaunne warned.
Spain is facing a ‘fifth wave’ this summer as infection rate soar, especially among the unvaccinated youth.
Catalunya is the latest region to re-impose restrictions including closing nightclubs and limiting mass outdoor gatherings to those who can show negative COVID-19 tests or proof of vaccination.
Spain’s accumulated incident rate has almost doubled within a week and stands at an average across Spain of 252 cases per 100,000 over 14 days according to latest data published on July 7.

- Spain faces fifth wave this summer with surge in COVID-19 infections among younger generation
- Catalunya is latest region in Spain to tighten COVID-19 restrictions as fifth wave hits
- Surge in new COVID-19 cases identifies Malaga as ‘extreme risk’ zone