NINE artists from Gibraltar showed off their work at a London exhibition on their individual relationship with their hometown.
The art exhibition ‘Gibraltar, Our Sacred Earth, Our Sense of Place’, is on at the Bermondsey Project Space until September 26. during the month.
As part of the exhibition, Gibraltar’s cultural ambassador of 2021, Gabriel Moreno, agreed to host an evening of music, poetry and discussion on August 21.
It will feature performances by Satellite State, folk artist Pearl Fish and pianist Stephane Dominicy, who also has video installation at the exhibition.
The Gibraltarian artists each captured a snapshot of the Rock’s ‘patios, traditional patios, forgotten corners, nostalgic moments and more’, the Gibraltar Government said in a statement.
They used oils, acrylics, photographs, mixed media work and video in the London exhibition.

During the well-attended opening of the exhibition, Minister of Culture John Cortes spoke of how Gibraltar’s identity was connected with its history.
“Seeing Gibraltarian art exhibited here in London, and surrounded by so many of our talented artists and their work was an incredible experience,” Cortes said.
“It is so important to extend our Art and our Culture outside our shores, to carry the essence of Gibraltar to other countries so that they can gain a better understanding of who we are. We have to do this.
“London is a first step in the journey of projecting our cultural renaissance abroad.”
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