THREE beaches in Oliva were closed to swimmers on Thursday after a bather at Rabdells beach was bitten by a blue shark.
The animal had apparently become disorientated and swam close to the shore.
The swimmer required medical treatment to his left foot as Oliva City Council immediately ordered a bathing ban.

Surveillance was stepped up to find the blue shark and swimming was prohibited for a time at Aigua Blanca and Aigua Morta beaches as a precaution.
After verifying the shark was no longer in the area, beach goers were told they could return to the water.
The Oceanographic Institute says its rare that this type of Mediterranean shark gets to the coast as they prefer colder and deeper waters but numbers are falling due to pollution.
Oliva’s rescue team monitors the coastline daily during the tourist season and had not previously observed a blue shark get so close to the shore.
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