A RESTAURANT in Ciudad Real has Spain’s best tapas, according to the National Tapas and Pinchos Championship.
Mirador de La Mancha was given the accolade for their partridge, corn and escabeche tapas.

Chefs Ivan Anaya and Javier Donaire competed alongside 31 Spanish restaurants for the prize at the Madrid Fusion food convention.
It was followed by Orixe do Campo, Lugo with their Petisco Larpeiro tapas, a scallop tartare with avocado cream, Porco Celta ham foam and semi-dried tomato on New York roll.
Finally, third place went to Martina, Albacete for their Manda Webos dish, where a metal chicken overlooks an ‘egg’ filled with jamon and egg whites, followed by emulsified yoke and migas.

Photo: Martina
Last year’s winner, ‘pigeon escabeche bombon’, hailed from Huesca’s Ansils Restaurant.
A modern take on traditional game dishes, the tapas combined yoghurt, kimchi and pickled onion with pigeon, bacon and brandy.