Five days banged-up in jail for having the wrong name, now Juan Tena gets star treatment
HE arrived a criminal but has since returned an ambassador for tourism.

Juan Enrique Tena Martín was wrongly arrested this year during his Semana Santa visit to Granada.
The police got his name mixed up with that of a wanted criminal and put him behind bars for five days until the police realised their huge blunder.
“Nobody has said sorry to me but I do not harbour bad feelings towards the city or the people of Granada”
Fortunately, his second visit to the city has been memorable for the right reasons.
Martín and friend Fran – who was also there for the fateful visit – have received VIP treatment and been hailed as the city’s ambassadors for tourism.
Hospitality and good food have been the order of the trip with free tickets for the bull fighting, accompanied by the mayor, on top.However, two months ago, Martin’s experience was completely different.
The police arrested him at his hotel on a warrant that, in reality, was meant for someone else who was already in prison.
The only detail in common was that they shared the same surname, but he was still ordered to prison and spent the majority of the holidays locked up.
And despite the warm welcome that Martin received on his return to the scene of the uncommitted crime, he is yet to receive an apology.
“Nobody has said sorry to me but I do not harbour bad feelings towards the city or the people of Granada,” he said.
“I am a nurse and if I make a mistake the first thing I do is apologise to the patient.”
His friend Fran also condemned the powers that be. “You will not find anybody who tried to help us,” he said.
Nevertheless, Martin and Fran’s second visit was improved when they received an extra four nights free at the hotel where their bizarre story began.
there does seem to be a lack of communication between any body with a inch of power here nothing new