A MILITARY policeman – who was shot in a mystery shooting at Europa Point – has been arrested.
GDP (Gibraltar Defence Police) officer Mark Galia, 38, is accused of fraud and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
He had apparently been shot while off duty on January 15, but it now appears it was a set up.
Three men were initially arrested and two guns were recovered in the aftermath of the incident.
Despite being treated in a Cadiz hospital for the bullet wound, it now appears that Galia set the whole shooting up.
Police confirmed that they are not looking for any other persons in connection with the incident.
“The three persons currently on police bail in connection with this inquiry will be released in due course,” explained a spokesman.
These stories are like Teaser adverts. Why Cadiz? Why was he shot? who did it? was a candlestick involved? Was his superior really Colonel Musterd?
they are not military police!!!!!!!!