A SPANISH couple suffered a racially aggravated assault in York, famous for being one of Britain’s most picturesque, tourist-friendly cities.
A manhunt ensues for a group of men who repeatedly punched and kicked a 24-year-old Spanish man and held his 29-year-old girlfriend down during the attack.
The ten-minute assault took place in the centre of the city and only stopped when a passing taxi driver stepped in.
The male victim suffered a broken jaw, extensive bruising and chipped teeth and was treated at York Hospital.
The group of five men were described as white, in their twenties with short or shaven hair, and the police are eager to trace them.
That’s terrible, it sounds like the assault was carried out by a bunch of mindless skinheads. I am sorry this couple had such a horrific experience in the UK.
Holly cow! I rather don´t head back to that place anymore, it seems to be getting really dangerous.
Why print a story like this, there is no proof they were attacked because they were foriegn or that the men involved were not foriegn themselves! There are millions of eastern europeans and other foreigners living in the UK and stupid stories like this just fuel hatred. There are enough Brits attacked by Spanish I can tell you. Don’t forget the father from Dorset thrown to his death last year by Spanish yobs near Malaga.
Tony: “http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/spanish-couple-viciously-attacked-in-york-for-being-foreigners-10163427.html”
This mentions the attackers spoke with English accents.
I wondered how we really know they were attacked for being foreigners but as someone who lives in the UK who sees increasing hostility towards people who have a different accent or speak with a different language I would certainly consider it a strong possibility. I wondered last year: ‘how do those who rant about ‘bloody foreigners’ know how to tell tourists from immigrants?’ (not that either category matters to me, they are all people)
Tony I agree. There are hundreds of thousands of foreigners visit York every year without incident.
tony davis,
spot on on all counts.
My Nephew and his mates were mugged at knife point on the costa blanca, was that because they were English, no probably because they were wearing gold and had too much drink. The truth is the people mugging him were probably foreign themselves as were the people who carried out the above. Over 100 people murdered in London every year and there are mental / thick / thugs/ drug users/ thieves / muggers/ chavs/ everywhere you look in the UK. In some areas you would not even recognise it as the UK, if you go to Southall where it is all Asians you do not feel threatened but other places you feel unwelcome. The UK is a Nation of foreigners and one of the most tolerant of all Countries, a 1000% more tolerant than Spain. I have seen the TV programme where Spanish youths have stabbed British youths having a drink out in the bars, you could put 1000 stories like this in the papers after every weekend and in the UK, 10% of them are probably foreigners. Muggers, Drug addicts, chavs etc do not worry about what Country you come from.
“The UK is a Nation of foreigners and one of the most tolerant of all Countries, a 1000% more tolerant than Spain”
Typical british.
Police searching for the attackers believe it was racially aggravated
spot on Tony…..why publish this….i have lived and worked in york for many years and never seen such people……to blacken or tarnish the place or the people who live in and around this beautiful place is discusting……not one shred of evidence….facts facts facts needed…very bad journalism
How can it be racist when it is white on white,Huh! These things happen in Cities and it was 3.45am. There are lots of muggings and beatings in Puerto Banus and Fuengirola etc. against tourists but that’s life they aren’t called racist. There are so many foreigners in York, including many Eastern European gangs that it could have been carried out by non British.
Race is technically not ‘white’, ‘black’, ‘jewish’, ‘indian’ – race is wider than that and depends on Haplogroups, it has unfortunately been brought down to base ideas on what we can see physically. Many of us share haplogroups but not everone shares all of the same ones. The attackers have been described as having English accents so that rules out non-British. I would say xenophobia if any was the case.
The UK law on “racially aggravated” crimes includes both race and nationality as a mitigating factor, surprisingly. This certainly was not a racist attack, it was an assault pure and simple. It is incorrect to call this is a racist attack when the people involved are from the same race.
My Nephew was mugged at knife point on Costa Blanca, was it because he was English, no he had gold chains and too much to drink. His mates lost all of their money as well. Were the muggers Spanish, probably not. I was attacked by 5 builders once, when I was younger and fitter. After I left the first drunk approachee unconscious on the floor with blood pouring out of his head, the others did not want to know and they carried their mate away, I did ask them who was next but they declined. I also had them arrested as well as they were trying to get away. They were beating up a Turkish man in London at the time when I intervened. It was not racist, just that they were drunk and wanted to beat someone up.
Marion, that is very likely.
I’ve had many happy visits to York with friends and never felt threatened, and can’t imagine the pain that this couple went through. I often recommend this city to my Spanish friends as a break from London…so hope the police catch the attackers and bring them to justice.. It’s true that people are attacked all over the world in different cities, and we cannot be frightened into submission by mindless racially directed violence….we just have to be careful and aware, no matter where we are in the world. I hope they both recover and do not judge the rest of British people in the same light. My best wishes to them both.
Tipically british,we should treat them with the same courtesy of course.lol
OP, now this is a post that would be considered racially aggravated and yet the editor allows it to be published. I vote for this post to be removed.
That will not happen as many of those to the right of politics really like free speech (and I will stand up for that as much as it is to my distaste). If UKIP can go on and go on then a random poster online can.
Maybe I have just been living in the UK to long and holidaying in Mainland Europe too long that I have come to that rather awful conclusion (typically British) and I am from the UK myself, and it pains me to think like that, it is small-minded of me however there is a type of hostility in the island nation that I have not seen replicated in the mainland. Yet do not brush it off with a lol. There are people such as I am who break this typicality but then I consider myself a member of a wider community larger than nationality, even saying ‘Earthling’ might be too closed for me. It is not the ‘British’ it is this selection of men who attacked them, same as anyone who attacks anyone it is not ‘Spanish’ muggers or ‘British’ gang, it really is individuals.
Somewhat of a weird story to publish by OP, happens everywhere but feel sorry for them. Just back from Marbella after a few weeks there with updates on Spanish property, all is not as is spoken!
For the second time in Marbella we were hassled by Spanish youths for money right on Ricardo Sorriano in broad daylight and somewhat aggressively too. Know of lots of incidents up at La Canada as well, bag snatches under cafe tables, tyre slashing whilst helping themselves to bags on back seats, spitting at UK car owners by off their head druggy types, wallets taken from back pockets etc
So let’s have some perspective here OP please, York is relatively safe in comparison.
Very true Mike. We rarely see attacks against British tourists reported in the Spanish or British press even though there are many each week. Wonder if their are stats at the Malaga Consulate.
UK should revise it’s education programs to get rid of racism, set an example by working hard to arrest the people who made it and teach youth how to behave when flocking to Spain just to get drunk and get embarrassed not only themselves but also the image of their country.
It is not really racism it is any excuse to have a fight. My Spanish teacher told me of his confusion while living in the UK hearing English people say they were going out to get drunk or they had a good fight last night, he told me when he and his friends went out their comments were lets go and have some fun.
We have a agricultural show but the area near the beer tents become no go areas to normal people by mid afternoon. Racism .. not really, just any excuse like baldy shorty, lanky, fore eyes, fatty just something yobs can lock onto.
@Neo. Have you never seen those TV programmes showing the antics of Spanish youths drinking and even knife fights in Benalmadena Port?
Attacks against foreign language students are very common in south coast towns of England, and there have been murders reported over the years. Not sure why the Spain-haters here are trying to deny this. If it makes them happy then just point out the high numbers of pickpocket offences in Spanish city centres.
Quiddy why are you so stupid. There are enough foreigners working in shops and bars, including many Spanish without looking for language students. No one is denying it, just that it wasn’t a racist attack.
The more time I spend living mainly in English speaking countries the clearest I see that Spain is way better in things like people authenticity, universal healthcare, weather , opportunities specially now that we are crawling steadily out of recession , housing affordability, liveliness , culture , gastronomy , easiness to socialize , safeness and No sarcasm as default answer .
I invite all Spain haters to pack up and move to either Canada , US or UK so that you can avoid living in a such a worthless and painfull country as Spain, we only live once , peace & love.
Many members of the British public like a good moan, it gets quite tiring but it is something to have a right to. I love visiting Spain. I’m a bit of a ‘if stateless was a viable option, I would be’. Alicante city is my favourite place at the mo, very few tourists beyond those from Italy and other parts in Spain. I enjoy the food almost too much, the housing is excellent for the price, I miss the liveliness when I leave being a night person. I have always loved languages, just so happens Spanish ended up being the langauge I learnt after English. I agree people should live where they feel happy.
I have read several sources about this incident and only here I find people doubting about racism behind this attack.
@Marion , Spain needs to revise it’s education system to get rid of racism too .
I think it is becoming a problem everywhere. After the recession, the politics to the right has been gaining popularity all over Europe: UK, France, Germany, in Spain, I certainly miss Zapatero. Not just racism but xenophobia.
Booze. Nada mas.
unfortunately you are another Spaniard with denial syndrome and the stupid Espana lider mundial complex.
Good weather – not everywhere you should spend some time travelling around your country – rain and wind are the norm in northern and north west Spain. Scorching heat in Extramadura and behind the Sierra Nevada mountains. Coldest weather in western Europe around Turuel.
Gastronomy – don’t make me laugh – meat and chips is the norm across Spain. Housing affordability – only after a monumental crash and then all the housing is sub standard and would’nt get planning permission anywhere in northern Europe or Scandinavia.
You need to take a real look at Spain and pull your neck in. Your improved standard of living ( I remember what Spain was like in the 1960s’) is soley down to the massive handouts from the northern European countries – why did’nt you mention the almost total corruption in your country.
Authenticity – yes under Franco it was authentic – how bizarre is that but today you have become Americanised just like the rest of Europe – wake up and smell the coffee
Fantastic post generally Stuart although I do enjoy tapas and Riojas. Spot on though about sub standard build quality especial the masses of urban overbuilt apartment and town house sprawls. Non existent insulation, paper thin terracotta blocks dividing homes, subsidence creating cracks, poor foundations etc
Agree about Northern European handouts which built many of Spain’s highways, and corruption well, yes Spain is a basket case. I’d like to see if ‘B’ money was readily accepted in UK property transactions. Then, there’s the almost total non regulation of the property industry, lengthy court cases to reach settlements if you are lucky. How many corrupt town halls and mayors was it just on the CDS? Spain has totally ruined it’s coastal strip from the Costa Blanca past the CDS and further round, now that really was corrupt and negligent.
I have been 3 summers in England, with my brother.
You can breathe racism in every corner.
This is not the first, second, third… case of violent attack on spanish tourist-inmigrant-foreigners.
One could think this attack are bad news for non-british in Britain, but think about it: what is going to happend to the huge number of british inmigrants in Spain and other non-white countries?
Good thought!!
According with the Spanish Consulate:
We are 87.000 spaniards across U.k but according with the Spanish Stadistic Institute there are almost 400,000 brits living and working accross Spain!
I am spaniard living in Southampton and I have to tell that I never had any problem here because of my nationality,the Hampshire is a lovely place to live but this issue has been reported accross Spain from North to South,I have seen on fb people claiming revange against british people in Spain.
Its disgusting!!!I hope nothing important is going to happens in either of the two countries.
So scare rightnow!!!!
What a load of stupid comments on here…..people are the same the whole world over,this could happen in Kabul,Kansas,Kobe……..made worse by the media….
Jon that is total rubbish. There is racism but less than some other European countries, Including Spain. You should do some research instead of making sweeping statements.
If it is bad in the UK why does hundreds of thousand immigrants pile in every year…and they don’t leave! Plus the ones waiting at Calais.
You look like the typical frustrated British that left UK for whatever reason , you remind me to Chinese people here where i live . Locals complain about Chinese because they are always complaining , rude , lack of interest in learning the language (English) and lack of eagerness to integrate to their culture , Most of them like to live isolated . You know what I said to these locals ?
So do British in Spain !!! (laughs for a while )
Again guys , Do not suffer more , please pack up and try your luck out in another country , or do yourself a favor and return to your beloved Country, we honestly do not want you to suffer in Spain.
“I find people doubting about racism behind this attack”
@Neo, can you please simply tell us all how this attack was racist. Thanks.
Let’s hope police and locals give their 100 percent to clarify this sad event , but do you have a better argument here ? I mean a Spanish couple leaves a bar and a gang with short or shaven hair with English accents start viciously beating them up for over 10 minutes breaking his jaw thanks to a taxi driver because who knows how this would end up otherwise. It does not make any sense other hypothesis but hopefully we will find out.
@Neo, your evasion of a very straightforward and simple question quickly reveals the flaw in your assertion that this was a racist attack. Now you say “hopefully we will find out” and pass the question back to me. I’ve already given you my answer; it was an assault. Why can’t you just tell us what the racial aspect of this assault was?
Neo, funny you should mention the Chinese. There has been a spate of attacks on Chinese shopkeepers in Malaga province. One was violently killed in Fuengirola. As recent as last week another attack in Malaga City. They smell of racism. Not much about it in the media.
Fred, put on your glasses and read again my previous post of what happened according to local police and if those are not enough evidence for you , well I would encourage you to be less obtuse and consider that there are also racist behaviours in many parts of UK , if you really what to know what is the level of racism in a country , obviously do not poll born and raised citizens but immigrants / expats anonymously .
Marion , I would take the official police report about that attack in Malaga to see what happened , unfortunately racism is taking over everywhere by uneducated and close minded people , that’s where it comes to us to be actively working in our communities to try to eradicate racism and any other type of violence.
@Neo, you just don’t understand the meaning of the word racism. Despite all your posts and all your protestations, you cannot tell us what the racial incident was. The reason why you can’t tell us is because there was no racial element to this assault. The Spanish are not a race.
Less than other European countries, including Spain xD
It was a racist attack.
We recognise british people in Spain.
And you recognise spanish people in Britain.
Why? We are a different race. Easy to spot.
5 british young guys beat a spanish couple. Why? They recognised the couple as people from another race. I think its so easy to understand, only an ignorant would say its not racist.
“Why? We are a different race. Easy to spot”
Jon, you are getting nationality and race confused.
Nevertheless, 75,000 Spaniards have moved to UK in the past couple of years to live and work. Go to Bournemouth and statisticall you would be more likely to be attached or mugged by a Spaniards or an Eastern European at 3am.
Try looking at FCO figures for mugging and violence suffered by Brits in Malaga.
Maybe the skin heads asked, hablas español , and they replied si, then asked in Spanish are you from Spain or South America, Spain, then the lads with short hair said, OK chaps, let them have it. More likely the 5 drunks were envious of him with his girlfriend, words exchanged, Spanish man beaten up.
There is much confusion over what constitutes racism and what constitutes a racially motivated crime.
According to the UK Crown Prosecution Service, a racial group consists of “race, colour, nationality, (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origin. Currently including, Gypsies, Travellers, Refugees, Jews and Sikhs.
A very broad church, and, one supposes, “racism” is to be used as shorthand for most hate crimes against the person. The C.P.S. goes on to define a racist crime as one that is perceived by the victim or bystanders to be judged as such because of verbal or other accompanying abuse, using the above definitions.
Of course, this is only UK law, other countries no doubt have their own idea of what a “race” or “race crime” is. However this assault took place in York, England. If the alleged abuse accompanied the assault and is proven, then it could lead to a conviction of a racially motivated crime, which is more serious than a simple assault.
Personally, I still think it was booze-fuelled savagery but if a further dimension of criminality can be brought to bear on these yobs, then good. Lock ’em up for a bit longer, York doesn’t need them on it’s streets.
No, i know the difference between race and nationality.
The english and us are a different race, im NOT saying “english” is a race, or “spanish”, but actually we are a different race.
The beatings to spanish people in UK this last year gives me the reason.
“The english and us are a different race, im NOT saying “english” is a race, or “spanish”, but actually we are a different race.”
Jon, that makes zero sense. Read it back to yourself. I’m truly amazed that you think the Spanish are a race of people. The Hispanics are a race of people, but they do not include the Spanish. You’ve misunderstood this concept, plain and simple.
I think you are the one who needs to read my comment again.
I said:
Spanish = Not a race.
English = Not a race.
Spanish and English are a different race.
What dont you understand? Its easy to understand.
No Jon, you cannot negate two things (races) and then say one of them is true. The Spanish and English are from the same race of people, therefore when you say “Spanish and English are a different race” you have got it wrong. You need to learn the differences between race, nationality and ethnicity.
If the Spanish and English are a different race, as you say they are, then please tell us the names of the separate races they belong to. Thanks.
sorry to burst your balloon but the ‘English’ and the ‘Spanish are different. Most ‘English’ are’nt Engli (north Germany) but are little Saxons and Swabians from south Germany or Zeelanders/Freisians/Jutlanders/Norse or Rus Vikings but they are effectively white Aryans.
There is no such people/race as the Spanish. Most are Semitic Arabs and Hebrews/Catalans (strong affinity with Latins) Euskadi, which is a distinct race, indeed the earliest people in Europe, approx. 40,000 years/Iberian Celts, mostly Gaelic/Morenos and of course the Aryan invaders – Goths/Visigoths/Vandals and little Swabians. Too many of the Spanish refuse to let go of the delusion that they are Latins.
Just goes to show what brainwashing at school can achieve.
I find it hilarious the way that the Aryans from the island call themselves English/Engli when they are not or Brits which they most definately are’nt – the Britonic were Celts living across western Europe thousands of years before the Aryans came stumbling off the Steppes.
Stuart, you haven’t burst my balloon, of course they are “different”. Aren’t we all? But are they different races, that’s the issue? All Spanish and British ancestry came from all parts of the world, and with every possible type of physical feature. Spanish and British are the Caucasoid race. That is the only point I wish to make to Jon, who seems to think the Spanish are a race, and are not a race, er, at the same time lol.
I am spaniard, from San sebastian, i have lived in the uk for about four years…not a single problem,in fact i had a lot of fun. i just love the uk, i am thinking on moving back there. You may find mindless bastards everywhere, also in spain, in fact we had ultranationalist terrorism for about 40 years (ETA) more than 800 deads, thousands injured….this incident is anecdotic. Looking froward to visit york.
Im not a science man.
Im not an anthropologist, im not an expert of genetics.
But im not blind.
I see a british, and I know hes not spanish, and he knows im not british.
Why? Different race.
Fred, are you english? Or british?
Jon, you don’t need to be a scientist to know that the people of Europe are a mixture of all different nationalities over many generations. These people are not a single race. The Spanish are not a race, and neither are the British. I am English and British btw, but neither are races of people.
I said like 5 times:
Spanish or British are not races.
What im trying to say is that we belong to different races.
Back to the crux of the matter. If, during the assault, the attackers uttered verbal insults concerning “foreigners” then under English law, ipso facto, this was a racially aggravated assault.
Everything else is an argument about genetics. Now catch the scum and give them Hell.
Jon, you said above – “Spanish and English are a different race” and I am telling you that isn’t the case. They are the same race, namely the Caucasoid race. You still haven’t named the races that the Spanish and British belong to, according to your “different races” (your quote) argument. Why can’t you just name them here, thus once and for all proving your argument? Come on, name them.
Did you know that word is used by the americans? And that we spaniards arent included in that?
They call us Hispanics, Spics. Not caucasoids.
If you really think we are both caucasoids, how is that we can tell you are not spanish, and you can tell we are not british?
Jon, the Spanish are not part of the Hispanic race (and they are a race of people). That is a common error that leads me to believe you are not Spanish, because you’d know such basic information.
Im from the Basque Country, Northern Spain. Believe it or not, i dont mind.
There’s no one like us English….superior in every way,perfect….as it should be…….I hope this stimulates the conversation somewhat……off for some tiffing now…pip pip and tally ho!!!!!
Can you see?
Its impossible we are the same race, the comment before this one is the proof.
Jon I believe you are of the same race. You don’t fool me.
I dont think so.
Believe? You can believe whatever you want.
The reality is we both recognise ourselfes as different, and its because we are different races.
Jon, Spaniards belong to the White/Caucasian race. Their genetic pool is no different from that of the French, for example. You are not a different race. Period.
The 5 guys from York, the attacked spanish couple, and the rest of the UK and Spain dont think the same way.
Its so obvious we are different, why do you still insist?
Why dont you admit the british are being racist with us?
Well you’re a phoney PG. It’s TIFFIN mate, NOT tiffing. Dontcha know.
Please stop tiffing about tiffin.
Jon, you didn’t (rather couldn’t) name the races and you didn’t (couldn’t again) explain the racist element of this assault. Yes, Spaniards are different but you are not a different race. That is all that I am telling you and I can’t “admit” anything that I was not part of, so please refrain from asking silly questions.
I dont feel it the same way Fred.
I would like a good relationship between us, but it seems like we are enough different to hate us.
Jon, we have a good relationship; one incident like this particular assault does not mean relations have totally broken down between our countries, does it? Of course you are different to me, and I am different to you. However, we are not different races of people. You must try and understand that the perpetrators of this attack are just violent, mindless, thugs – and have probably attacked people from their own country too. Don’t turn it into a “hate Spain” topic, because it isn’t.
And the Manchester bus incident?
I have been 3 summers in southern England improving my english. 2 of them in Rochester, Kent, and in Bath. I was 15, 16 and 17 years. My little brother, 2 years younger came with me those 3 years. Local people was very kind with us.
I hope if I return to the UK I feel the same way, who knows.
Now im 24 years old, and I have NEVER EVER seen a british guy been discriminated we I live.
Jon, I have known plenty of Spanish people living and working in London over the years and they have all got on well and had decent jobs. I have never heard of any of them experiencing racism and I sincerely hope it stays that way. Please be assured that relations between our two countries are good and the things that I complain about on here are not personal, they are against the authorities regarding taxes, property laws and demolitions. Unlike many of the terrible problems that face the world today, this is something that could be solved tomorrow.
Jon, I’ve not heard of the bus incident, but please keep to topic. British people are discriminated against all the time, in employment, in education, with ageism, sexism and in many other areas of life. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. All countries have these discrimination issues.
Its the same topic, 2 spaniards were almost attacked, not really because they could defend themselves. In the Manchester bus incident I mean.
Discriminated? British people? Where?
Let me tell you something.
I live in the north of Spain. We have british tourists, but not as much as southern tourists. Some years ago I went to Canary Islands.
One day, in a pub, I was asking a waitress for a drink. “Ron Cola” I asked for. The waitress was like a statue. Then I realised she was british and didnt understand me.
A British girl, working in Spain, without knowing a single word in spanish. What do you think about this?
Can you even imagine a spanish guy working in London, without knowing a single word in english?
Northern europeans are treated as almost gods here.
Jon, firstly this post is about an assault in York, not Manchester, and I don’t really want to start getting into another, albeit related, story. It’s a fact that people are discriminated against everywhere. Please read some English press to see the many stories about discrimination in the UK. I am surprised you do not know this Jon. It’s basic real-life knowledge, after all.
Northern Europeans in Spain are treated like everyone else Jon, indeed they suffer from all the same problems that Spaniards do. They may be more wealthy, but you should know that wealth always gets preferential treatment. Spain caters very much for the tourist, and wants to attract wealth. Spain wants our wealth, does it not? It wants us to buy properties, pay taxes, use local shops and so on.
A Spanish person could not work in London without speaking English, just as an English guy could not work in Madrid without Spanish, unless the company was English-speaking, and there are a few such companies. However, I could not envisage working (or living) in Spain without speaking Spanish (or at least passable Spanish). The exceptions are the self-employed and people working in niche areas.
Btw, I have never had a problem ordering a cola in any country lol. Anyway, I’m not sure where you are going with this discussion, which has nothing to do with racial assaults.
Then, if discrimination is an everyday issue in UK, why are you still denying that spaniards are being racially assaulted in England?
As I said, we dont have that much british tourists where I live. We dont care about your wealth. Southern spaniards and islanders do, not us.
Jon: you may think the wealth that foreigners bring does not affect you personally, but it benefits you indirectly in the form of taxes levied on incomers, which pays for your infrastructure. Water supply, police, bomberos, health, etc. etc.
And? That happends in every country. When I was in England my money ended in english hands. And? Does that mean I must be treated like the queen of England? I dont know what you want to tell me with that.
Jon: I was disagreeing with your last two sentences where you claim incoming wealth does not affect you personally because of where you live. Please read comments a little more carefully before dismissing them.
Also, try to understand the difference between genetics and British legal interpretation of race for the purposes of criminal behaviour.
British legal interpretation of race?
So when someone is racially assaulted in the UK, the british laws say when its racism and when its not?
Exactly that Jon. It’s easy to research on the British Government site via google. In fact, British law has a much wider interpretation of race than simple genetics, (for the purposes of criminal behaviour) it includes travellers (gypsies) Jews, foreigners of all kinds. Go have a look. But of course, Fred is correct from a scientific point of view, genetically speaking.
However, the case in point was simple, drunken, loutish stupidity, to be found anywhere.
I know what kind of people are the ones who assaulted the couple.
I know they were very probably drunken and all that, but they assaulted the “others”.
They targeted the spanish couple for being of another race. Racism.
British laws says its not?
The Yorks police said this assault was racially aggravated. They said it, I dont think im incorrect.
I wonder how many British tourists have been beat up/ mugged etc. on the Costas since this article appeared. They don’t even get a report in the Spanish papers let alone have a voice in racism accusations.
I think there is someone on here who couldn’t crack it in the UK and blames the British instead of himself. If he is Spanish at all. Ron cola indeed ha ha ha who wouldn’t understand that!
Sorry for my bad english, as you can see im not british, im spanish.
What does “crack it in the UK” mean?
If you mean I tried to get a job in UK and failed, you’re wrong.
I have my job in Bilbao, 50km from my town ;)
Yeah, Ron Cola, isnt pathetic she didnt understand that? A british waitress in Spain… And you talk about discrimination?
What would happend to a spanish waitress working in London withouth knowing english? Think about it.
Jon, discrimination can apply to many different things, and not just race. As I explained, people are frequently discriminated against on the basis of their age and gender. I think you are lost in translation a bit here. Get the dictionary out. Good luck.
Yes, but we are talking about an specific discrimination: racism.
Spaniards are being racially discriminated in the UK.
When you deny that this assault was racist, you are just trying to be politically correct, a very british characteristic.
Like “oh we are all europeans, same race, bla bla bla”
The first step is admiting we are different races and we must respect each other, its all I want to say…
Jon, repeating incorrect information about us being different races does not ever make it correct, and actually diminishes your argument further because you haven’t taken the time to research the subject. Expatriates in Spain are also discriminated against, for example just look at the Spanish inheritance tax fiasco, which was found by the EU to be discriminating against non-Spanish residents. So the Spanish were discriminating against the British for years. Since you say (incorrectly) that we are different races, that also makes it racial discrimination in your eyes, which of course is ridiculous.
Everywhere in the world, every day, people from all nationalities are being discriminated against in one form or another. You want to make this a British vs Spain issue, Jon, and on that point you have spectacularly failed. Don’t confuse racism and xenophobia. This assault was the latter.
But I do not discrimine people of other races.
When I say we are different races I do not fall in disrespect with you, for Christ’s nails, do you think calling a black person ‘black’ is racist? Do you feel disrespected when someone calls you ‘white?
Racism is when some british ( or whoever ) attacks people from another race just because of that, being of another race.
My english teacher told me he was living in southern Spain. He told me that one day some gypsies swagged his bike
“do you think calling a black person ‘black’ is racist?”
No, I don’t, and it isn’t. Black is skin colour. If I was in Africa, amongst black Africans (as there are white Africans too remember), I would expect to be called “whitey” a few times, and I would not be offended either. In any event, I refer to black people as “people” if/when I meet them. We have to get out of the habit of recognising skin colour first, even though it is not racist to refer to it.
“Racism is when some british (or whoever) attacks people from another race just because of that, being of another race.”
That’s why the incident in York wasn’t a racist assault, Jon. It was a xenophobic attack by some mindless thugs. Please wise up.
“My english teacher told me he was living in southern Spain. He told me that one day some gypsies swagged his bike”
So? This is not a racist statement, just as saying “some Spaniards stole his bike”. You have much to learn.
Jon, you claim to be Spanish. Try googling “racismo en Espana” It may open your eyes!
Marion, are you still thinking im not spaniard?
Bryan? The same?
Im from the Basque Country, Northern Spain.
When I talk with southern spaniards, they dont believe Im basque.
It seems no one believes me, what happends with my damned identity? So hard its to believe im basque?
Ñ: Does this tell you something about where im from?
Marion: I know there are racist spaniards, as everywhere in this world.
Sorry, last comment wasnt supposes to end there.
My english teacher told me that because he wanted to tell me that there are bad guys everywhere in the world, just as you are doing.
But you cant justify your own defects pointing the others defaults.
I see the pretend Spaniard is with us.
Jon….grow up and if you don’t like the UK….leave!!!!!…..that’s the standard line I’ve been told by sSpanish police,doctors,local authorites………..que Sera,Sera…………by the way after 21 years of discrimination I’m hoping to leave Spain….for the UK the land of fairness
My last comment was not posted, I dont understand why. I thought british people were famous for having a great sense of irony. It seems its not the case xD
Pg: Im not living or working in the UK. 21 years being discriminated? And you still dont leave? Are you kidding me? Are you masochistic?
Bryan: Zozoak beleari ipurbeltz.
Jon: Although you seem like a nice chap, you have just about squeezed all the juice out of this topic now. Perhaps you were deleted for the sin of boredom rather than the virtue of irony. Maybe you should practice your repartee on another subject?
I just wanted to point that this assault in York was racist.
Someone says its not, the other one says im not spaniard, and finally, we have a guy that thinks that im angry with the english because I didnt get a job in the UK.
I just wanted to point that, sorry for my sins, I actually dindt want to bore you. Hope you do well in future, and dont beat spaniards please! :)
Or people for other races, of course.
Yes it is boring especially when he resorts to a language spoken by almost no one in the world. Have said so once but it seems to have been whooshed into cyber space…roll eyes.
“I just wanted to point that this assault in York was racist.”
And you’d be wrong. Still.
Im not wrong Fred.
Northern euros are different race, everyone knows this fact.
So Jon are you saying that the club med countries aren’t racist and beat up foreigners ocasionally. If so it is untrue.
No, I admit there are lots of racist spaniards, not as much as in the UK, but yes, lots of racists here.
Jon, do me a favour and please go back to college after the Summer. Get some anthropology lessons in your curriculum. The idea that there is (or ever was) a distinct northern European race was dismissed by several eminent anthropologists well over 100 years ago, purely on the studies of cranial remains found across Europe. What we are now is a mixture of all; moving across the land mass of what is now “Europe”.
Jon, anthropological studies done as far back as 100 years ago from the eminent scientists of the time (using skull/cranial remains) showed that there are no different races in northern Europe, or indeed across all of Europe. Europeans are a mixture of all the same people, as they travelled and settled. Do you also believe the Sun revolves around the Earth can I ask?
For Christs nails, stop censoring me, im not insulting nor disrespecting anyone, this is a fair debate.
You’re only insulting our common sense Jon, lol. Debate it isn’t, you are really in denial and cannot even name the different races that myself and yourself supposedly belong to, and that, as we say, is the last nail in the coffin of your different races nonsense.
This thread has more than run it’s course and is now closed…