18 Nov, 2015 @ 11:18
1 min read

Spanish children’s health hit by eating alone, study says

children eating alone

children-eating-aloneCHILDREN sitting down alone to their toast and orange juice aren’t just being deprived of mum and dad’s company.

A new study reveals 40% of Spanish youngsters eat breakfast alone which can damage kids’ health and cause hypoglycaemia.

The Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas (FEDN) study says children are less likely to adopt healthy eating habits if they eat breakfast alone.

“From the evidence available, breakfast could be the key for children’s nutritional growth and educations, so parents should pay attention to this,” said Giuseppe Russolillo from FEDN.

The report also reveals that 8% of children over the age of six don’t eat breakfast every day, and that 13% of parents admit their child is overweight.

Joe Duggan (Reporter)

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