SPAIN’S economic recovery brought a historic drop in unemployment numbers last year, new figures show.
Jobless numbers fell by 678,200 with 525,100 new jobs created, according to data released by Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA).

By the end of 2015, 18,094,200 people were working, the highest figure since the fourth quarter of 2011, with 4,779,500 people unemployed, the lowest figure since the end of 2010.
Unemployment is now at 20.9%, almost three per cent less than in 2014 when the figure stood at 23.7%.
Andalucia saw the biggest leap among Spain’s regions with 137,500 new jobs created, followed by Madrid where 56,700 more people found work.
The service industry created 421,500 jobs with 50,800 positions being added in agriculture and 28,100 in construction.
The OP needs to report on the ratio of proper contracted jobs to the temporary positions that have been created. If you do that, you will see that the vast majority of “jobs” are very short-term contracts, sometimes even for just a few weeks. Those sorts of jobs get added to the figures to make the statistics look better.
I am afraid by pre-insolvency filled by Abengoa SA. If the company goes down, 7000 jobs will be lost in Seville. Government should take immediate steps to save lives.