THE Olive Press has been named one of the best English news websites in Spain.
The best investigative newspaper in Andalucia was ranked fourth in the whole country by Feedspot, a global web content provider.
The Olive Press beat a host of English language publications including Costa Blanca News, The Leader, The Resident and Euro Weekly News, which did not even feature on the top 15 list.
The Olive Press website, which gets an average of 150,000 unique visitors a month, also ranked higher than the Daily Bulletin of Mallorca, where the Olive Press will launch a new edition on April 27.
It came close behind national newspaper website El Pais, press agency EFE and European-wide news organisation The Local.
Websites on the list were ranked according to their Google reputation and search ranking, influence and popularity on social media sites, the quality and consistency of articles and Feedspot’s editorial team and expert reviews.
Talking about the achievement, Jon Clarke, Olive Press publisher, said: “This is great news and testament to both the top-notch investigative reporting by our journalists and the quality of our website.”
“Coming fourth after a national newspaper, national press agency and a paper which has offices in a dozen countries is a fantastic achievement and one that we will seek to better next year.”
Yes, although the quality of editing has noticeably gone down in the last 5-6 months.
Must be a joke, no?
Well done Jon. Keep it up and keep it coming. Sorry to hear that The Weenie didn’t rate a mention (titter!).
chas agree somewhat, particularly comments from Spanish speaking people that tend to voice their opinions on a English speaking news outlet which in all cases are derogatory to the British government and its people, especially comments over Gibraltar which had been seeded three centuries ago to Britain but can’t accept the fact. But have you noticed, not a SINGLE word have passed their lips regarding Ceuta or Melilla. Surely they can make comments on their own Spanish papers regarding the destructive methods various Spanish governments and media have made of late, unless they have tried and have been blocked. Wonderful this so called Spanish democracy which they appear to be so proud and yet have not shed the beliefs of Franco.
if Spain believes in democracy like the UK then follow their lead in allowing referendums like the British government have given Gibraltar and Scotland.
To OP, may I suggest any further derogatory remarks by a Spaniard on this English speaking newspaper should be moderated.
Poor editing refers to poor grammar, spelling errors, web site not working, obvious intrusion by hackers. Content is ok. Quality wasn’t an issue when Jon was hands on.
Amen to that chas (though I doubt you will get to read this, due to said phenomenon )
Well done!
chas you tend to miss out, “revising and arranging”,
Yes, seems to be more fiddling than proper news editing. And where is the Web Tech Master? On-line news works better when it flows smoothly, not herky-jerky.
Jon – Of course OP deserves congratulations for its achievements. Careful readers want goodness to continue on, but fear it may not without vigilance to the technical details that made it a great read.
Thanks for your comments guys but are you all so lacking grace to actually congratulate a site when it gets an award – like Lenox and jane did – rather than just launch into criticism… After all, looking at the names, this is a site you spend a lot of time on and comment on frequently… If you don’t like it just stay away – go and help the EWN and it’s wonderful new tech wizard to try and get in the top 15!
Jon Clarke, you said, ” After all, looking at the names, this is a site you spend a lot of time on and comment on frequently…”. Which indicates, what?. It would appear that criticism is not a one way traffic by your response. Am I wrong?.
Wow! Suddenly long-missing comments appear from the blue. Things are starting to make sense again. Is the Captain back on the bridge? Good. Jon, we love the OP and congrats on the latest plaudits, nice to hear from you, but please treat comments (at least mine) as constructive criticism, meant only to secure a smooth experience and continued informative guidance on the perils and positives of survival in Spain.
Personally, we have the OP website to thank for our final decision (just in Brexit time) not to buy into the Spanish dream, to instead only rent and keep a toe-hold in Blighty.
The site has served up many words of wisdom from folk like Stuart Crawford (of blessed memory) Boulder, Jane G and many others, not least of all Fred, who takes no prisoners when stating his opinions on Spain and it’s many drawbacks. So thank you OP, long may you reign, at or near, the top of the heap.
(By the way, where is Fred these days?)
Stefanjo, it is a wise decision to rent in Spain, there is a good selection of residential rental property available at a reasonable price. It’s the risk free, flexible option making it very easy to move to another area if you want to. My sister-in-law took the plunge last year and it’s worked out well for her.
I live in hope that the property laws in Andalucia change to something workable before too much longer and if so, you may decide to buy in the future. Good luck, I hope it works out for you – I think many Brits will be doing the same thing!
The OP is a mine of useful information on all things Spain, glad it helped.
Hey guys – I knew you loved us deep down… AND You guessed it; the captain’s on the bridge quite a lot more now monitoring the more rogue comments and controversial stories and MOSTLY letting everything through … As I believe in freedom of speech, even when it hurts – as do some of your comments about us! Just remember be witty, be erudite, be cutting and funny… Just Not bullying, rude or profane! And don’t be SO mean to little Gibraltar! OK, well a Little bit maybe…
Glad you are back, Jon. I discovered the good work of Abusos Urbanisticos No! (AUN) through The Olive Press. The mention of AUN stopped the ayuntamiento weasels in their tracks. Thanks for that! PS I knew you didn’t really hate us either, (at least very much) for our pointing out some issues that might have hurt your otherwise very good – nay -excellent – news source.
Jon. Pleased to see a bit of back peddling. Pleased to see you agree with freedom of speech, which is all part and parcel of criticism and pleased to see you are showing some sympathy towards Gibraltar. Jon, have you also noticed that although the US may have the MOAB’s spain also has MOAC’s (crawlers).
BTW Jon, have followed your paper from its first print, so it can’t be all that bad. Congrats.